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When Will had woken up, his memories of the attack had been hazy. He was able to identify Robin as his attacker but was unable to recall the reason. "Maybe there wasn't one," he said. "Maybe the Dark One just doesn't like me, no matter who he is, yeah?"

Emma shook her head. "There was a motive. We just need to figure out what it was."

"How?" Belle asked.

"We talk to Robin." Emma looked at Regina. "You need to get him to stay."

Regina crossed her arms. "How? He's been keeping his distance again after this."

"Then we go to your vault and use the dagger to summon him," Emma said.

"No!" Regina paused to regain her composure. "I will not let you force him to show himself. Who knows how the darkness in him will react if we back him into a corner?"

David stepped forward. "Then what do you suggest we do?"

"I'll see if I can get him to visit me and then I'll go from there. Got it?" Regina pulled out some of the Evil Queen in her as she glared at him.

He glared right back. "Fine. But if it doesn't work, we will use the dagger."


Regina planned everything about this night down to the last detail. She left Robin a voicemail and waited until the boys went to bed, though she did have to hurry Henry there. He seemed suspicious but willingly went into his room at his mother's pleading look.

She closed her bedroom door and soundproofed the room, just in case. Pulling off her clothes, she changed into a different bra and panties than the ones she had been wearing. These were lacier and would match her only accessory—Robin's green scarf tied around her eyes. Regina sat on the edge of her bed and waited for him.

He didn't keep her waiting long. She felt his magic as he used it to get into her room. "Are you ready?" she asked him.

"Yes," he growled. She felt him place his hand against her cheek before kissing her. It sent fire racing through her and when she reached out for him, her hand came in contact with bare skin. She slid a hand down his chest, wrapping it around his cock.

He was definitely ready.

Robin cupped her head as her back hit the mattress. She felt him hovering over her. "Is it okay if you stay on the bottom tonight, lovely?" he asked, nipping at her ear.

"Yes," she gasped out. "Whatever you want."

This was going well. If he remained on top, he'd be too focused on pleasuring her to notice when she reached over for the pin containing the sleeping spell she had borrowed from Maleficent. Her friend had helped her measure the right amount so that Robin would wake hours after administration, not years. By then, she would be able to gather Emma and David so they could get their answers.

She just prayed Robin forgave her for her role in the ambush and that the Dark One didn't do anything dangerous after being cornered.

"Regina? Is something wrong?" His lips had left her neck and he stroked her hair. "You seem so far away."

"Sorry. I guess I just have a lot on my mind."

He sighed and she felt him roll over. "This is about Will, isn't it?"


"I wasn't in control, Regina. The Dark took over and did that to Will." His voice was thick with remorse and she believed he was choking back a sob. "When it showed me what it had done, I was sick."

The Prince of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now