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Will had paced around Regina's mansion, now Robin's fortress, and tried to find the weak link that would allow him to enter. But Robin had fortified the property well, knowing full well what needed to be done from all his thieving. Will was going to have chance going over the fence and pray for the best.

As he scaled the fence, he also prayed what he had heard was wrong. That Regina hadn't fallen back into her dark ways due to Robin's influences. She needed saving as much as Roland and he would leave with both of them if he could manage it.

He landed on the other side and took stock of his person. Everything was still where it should be, which was a good sign. Will stole across the lawn, trying to figure out any bobby traps Robin might've set up.

"I disabled them." Robin's voice came from behind him.

Will turned around to find the man who was once his friend standing there, arms crossed with a smirk on his face. Stepping closer, Will frowned. "Why did you do that?"

"To take pity on you," he replied. "You would've been dead by now if I hadn't."

"I thought you wanted me dead."

He shrugged. "I do. But Regina seems to have a soft spot for you."

"Let her go," Will demanded. "And Roland."

"They don't want to go. Both want to stay with me."

"You've put some spell on them then."

Robin laughed. "Does it really seem impossible that they might love me? Darkness and all?"

"The question is if you really love them—darkness and all."

Before Will could blink, Robin was on top of him. His breathing was cut off by Robin's hands and Will sank to his knees. Robin snarled: "You have no right to question my love for Regina and our children. Do you hear me?"

Though he struggled for air, Will managed to gasp out: "If you truly loved them, you'll let them go. Especially Regina. You don't want her to undo all the progress she made from being evil."

"Regina is Regina," Robin spat. "I love her."

"But you love her more now that she's acting as evil as you, right?"

Robin's grip on his neck grew tighter and dark spots began to dance before Will's eyes. Of all the ways he had imagined he would die, he hadn't thought it would be at the hands of someone he had once admired and called a brother. But perhaps it had been building to this, he figured. Perhaps this was destined to be his fate the moment the darkness had taken over Robin.

Goodbye, Ana. We will see each other again someday; I just know it. I'm sorry it's not to be on this earth.

Air rushed back into his lungs as he hit the cold ground. He coughed, taking in several gulps as his vision cleared up. Will glanced up at Robin, who stood over him. His eyes were still black and he frowned at Will, who felt hatred radiating off him. Will rubbed his throat. "Why'd you stop?" he asked, voice raspy.

"Make no mistake, this isn't mercy," Robin replied.

Will nodded. "So why then?"

"I have need of you." Robin crouched down next to him. "Regina and I are going to Camelot to find Henry and we're bringing Roland. But we can't risk him getting hurt on our searches. So I'm going to create a palace for us and we're going to leave Roland in your care while we're gone. Roland trusts you, after all."

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