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"Is someone going to make dinner?" Zelena opened her door, frowning at the silence that greeted her. "Hello? Where is everybody?"

She headed down the hallway, rubbing her back. Aches and fatigue were commonplace now and Zelena was starting to rethink her plan to get pregnant to get back at Regina. It seemed so easy back in the winter when she was plotting this.

The house was unusually quiet, even now that Regina took that curly haired brat back with her. Zelena took the stairs carefully. "Are you all ignoring me? I am pregnant. You all seem to care about the baby, so will you feed it?"

But no one responded. After she searched the entire house, she realized that she was all alone. "Really? Everyone just left me behind? What am I supposed to do? Starve?"

Zelena stormed toward the front door, pleased when it opened. "Good. I'll get something from Granny's. Maybe some onion rings. How does that sound, little one?"

Her child kicked and she smiled, slipping out into the fresh air. She came across Cruella's car and got in, hoping the key she had nicked before leaving was to this vehicle. It slid into the ignition and turned, the car bursting to life. "Excellent," she said, running her hands over the steering wheel. "How hard can it be to drive?"

She pressed her foot on the gas pedal and the wheels spun. Frustrated, she glanced around until she saw the shift. Pulling down, the car lurched forward and she grasped onto the steering wheel as her foot slammed on the brake. She rubbed her stomach again. "See, baby? Easy. Now, let's go get us some food."

Pressing the gas, Zelena inched toward the road and headed into the main part of Storybrooke.


Regina woke to kisses being trailed down her bare back. She hummed as Robin paused at her ass, his hand cupping one of her cheeks. "Good morning," she murmured.

"Morning, my love. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. You made sure of that." She rolled over, opening her arms for him.

He laid down in her embrace, pressing his forehead against hers as he kissed her. "I'd do anything for you, my queen."

"Anything?" She gave him a coy smile as she guided his hand between her legs. "Like take me here and now?"

"Don't you want to find our boy?" But Robin slid a finger between her folds, rubbing lazy circles against her clit.

She nodded. "But who knows how long that will take?"

"We have magic, love. I doubt it'll take long."

"Okay, fine, you've caught me. I'm horny," she admitted with a sigh. "Maybe it's the hormones."

He chuckled. "The hormones, you say?"

"Oh, yes." She laced their fingers together as he raised her arm over her head. "They're pumping through me since you've knocked me up."

"I see. Well, I guess since it's my fault..." He picked up his pace and her back arched as the first waves of pleasure washed over her.

She closed her eyes as he slid one finger inside her, curling it to brush against the right spot. "That's it," she moaned.

His hot mouth closed around one of her still sensitive nipples, sucking and nipping as she let out another moan. Robin brought his other hand down to massage the other breast while his finger still pumped in and out of her. Releasing her nipple, his breath ghosted up her neck until she felt his lips next to her ear. "Does this please you?"

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