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Everyone regrouped in the mansion's parlor, eager to plan the next part in their quest to save Robin. Henry felt like he was vibrating with anticipation and wanted to bounce off the walls, but he had a sleeping Roland curled on his lap. So he had to stay put, though still ready to participate in the conversation.

"The door is in Regina's vault," Emma said. "How do we open it?"

Rumpelstiltskin smiled. "We need someone with Gawain's blood to open it."

"So we need Robin?" Hook asked. "That seems counterintuitive."

Rumple banged his cane on the floor in irritation. "Not Robin. Weren't you listening? No one with the Dark One in him can open the door, to keep it from returning to Camelot."

It began to dawn on Henry who his grandfather meant and he held Roland closer. "He's too young."

"He's the only one with Gawain's blood running through him," Rumple explained. "And it won't hurt him. I promise."

Henry still hesitated. "What if his magic hasn't come in?"

"We may not need it. All we may need is the fact he is from Gawain's bloodline."

Mary Margaret sat down next to her grandson, resting her hand on his shoulder. "You're being a good brother, Henry, and of course you'll be right there with him. He'll be perfectly safe."

"Okay," Henry said, nodding. "But what happens once Roland opens the door?"

David stepped forward from where he had been lurking in the corner. "We'll need to send in a party to find Merlin. Nothing too big, though. We don't want to spook Arthur and make him think we're invading."

"I'll go," Emma volunteered.

Hook sighed. "We all already know I go where she does."

"And I'll go," David said. "I have more experience dealing with royal courts."

Henry glanced down at his sleeping brother. Part of him wanted to stay with Roland, to protect and comfort him. But another part was pulled toward Camelot. It felt like he had to go, that he had to be part of helping free Robin.

"I want to go," he announced.

Everyone looked at him and Mary Margaret squeezed his shoulder. "I don't think that's a good idea, Henry. You should probably stay here."

"No," Henry said, voice firm. "I feel like I need to go. Like this is an adventure I have to be a part of."

"Henry, I understand, but you need to stay here," Emma said, kneeling in front of her son. "Stay with Roland and maybe help with your mother."

"I can help in Camelot. I've already lost my father. I'm not going to lose one of my father figures!" Henry pleaded with his mother, his eyes locked on hers.

Emma sighed. "Regina is going to kill me for this, but okay."

"Thanks, Mom!" Henry wrapped his arms around her, trying his best not to disturb Roland in the process.

Mary Margaret sighed next. "So what do the rest of us do?"

"Try and keep Storybrooke safe, I imagine," Belle replied. "And try to save Regina."

"She doesn't think she's in trouble," Maleficent pointed out.

Belle met her gaze. "Doesn't mean she's not."

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