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Chapter 10: Portal

Regina woke in her bed, lying under a black sheet and a red cover. She sat up to find a black lace curtain around her bed and she pushed it back to see what other changes Robin had made to her bedroom. It still looked the same, though there were a few more candles around the room than she remembered. And several vases holding the black roses she had treasured from Robin. She pulled one from the vase resting on her nightstand and held it close.

Climbing out of bed, she realized Robin had changed her into a black lacy negligee rather than one of her nightshirts. Regina raised an eyebrow and wondered what he had planned.

A cool breeze hit her neck right before she felt Robin wrap his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her hair. "I see my queen has awakened," he said.

"Did you come to bed at all?" she asked, folding her hands over his.

"I don't need sleep anymore, lovely. I'm afraid it's a side effect of being the Dark One."

Regina frowned. That now left about eight hours when she wouldn't be able to watch him, when he could go out and hurt someone before she could intervene. She had to warn the others somehow.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, arms loosening.

She turned in his arm, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Just upset that I won't get to fall asleep and wake up in your arms."

"Ahh," he said, smiling. "Well, I can promise that you'll always fall asleep in my arms. I wouldn't have it any other way."

"So what have you been doing while I was asleep?" she asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

He rocked her gently. "Fortified the house. Did a little redecorating. Got some things out of your vault."

"My vault?" She pulled back to look him in the eyes. "Like what?"

"Somethings I thought we'd need—a bunch of books, some potions, and your mirror."

She smiled. "You brought my mirror?"

"Yes," he said. "I thought we could use it to spy on our enemies."

"Such a deliciously devious mind," she said, running her fingers through his hair. "Your queen is pleased."

He nuzzled her neck before sucking her pressure point. Regina's eyelids fluttered closed as she felt his teeth against her skin, marking her as his. "Maybe...Maybe you should take me back to bed," she suggested.

"I could take you anywhere you want, milady," he said, nipping at her ear. "Just name the place."

"The bed sounds fi..." Her words died as Robin knelt, his mouth finding her clit as he pushed up her negligee. She leaned back against her vanity for support as he sucked and lapped at her.

Regina tugged at his hair as her legs began to quiver and her toes curled. She threw her head back, just missing the mirror behind her, as she moaned his name. It was often said that Dark Ones were selfish creatures and Rumpelstiltskin certainly had been. But right now with Robin between her legs, his hands pushing her thighs further apart to better pleasure her, it was clear he was still the same unselfish lover.

He pulled back, kissing her inner thigh as she let out a whine. She was so close and she grabbed his hair again, trying to guide him back to finish. He chuckled. "I like it when you get rough," he said.

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