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Robin sat with Regina across from King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, a small meal laid out on the table between them. Though he felt hunger again, he was unable to eat due to nerves. While the king had been nothing but civil since he and Regina had returned from Avalon, Robin knew they had to deal with what had happened on the battlefield. And he doubted "it wasn't me but the Dark One" would make everything better.

The queen smiled, motioning to the food. "Eat, please. I am certain you must be hungry."

"And I promise you it is not poisoned," Arthur added.

It didn't reassure Robin though Regina took a tentative bite of the glazed ham on her plate. She smiled at the royals. "My compliments to your chef."

"I shall pass it along," Arthur replied. He eyed Robin and sighed. "I want to apologize for what happened."

Robin swallowed, not expecting that. "It wasn't your fault. You were just defending your kingdom from a perceived threat."

"I escalated a tense situation. If I had first tried to reason with you, perhaps Queen Regina wouldn't have had to suffer." Arthur nodded toward her.

Regina took Robin's hand, curling her fingers around his in a comforting gesture. He took a deep breath, doubting that he would've given up the darkness if Regina's life hadn't hanged in the balance. But there was no need to admit that to Arthur. Not when he still distrusted the king. "We both created the situation and so we both share the blame," Robin finally said.

"Well said," Arthur agreed with a nod. He raised his goblet. "A toast to peace and the destruction of the darkness."

Guinevere raised her goblet. While Robin had his hand closed around his, he watched as Regina curled her fingers tighter. When "Marian" had gotten pregnant, he had read the information provided by the corner pharmacy. It had said expectant mothers shouldn't drink and he knew the argument raging in Regina's mind—take a sip that probably couldn't hurt the baby but was still a risk or decide to abstain and risk insulting the king?

"Do you need something else to drink?" Guinevere asked Regina, smiling kindly at her.

Regina nodded. "If there is another option but wine, I'd appreciate it."

"Of course." Guinevere rose and walked over to where her servants had left several carafes. She picked one up, pouring a new goblet for Regina and returning to the table. "This is cider. No alcohol, I promise."

"Thank you," Regina said, taking the goblet. She hoisted it high. "I believe we were making a toast?"

Arthur nodded, raising his goblet high again. Guinevere and Robin followed suit as they toasted each other and the fact the darkness was gone. Robin sipped his wine, watching as Regina happily sipped her juice. Her eyes met his and they smiled.

"We do have a few other matters to discuss," Arthur then said, putting down his goblet.

Robin's stomach turned as he wondered if this was the moment he'd be clasped in irons and thrown the dungeon at last. "Like what?"

"Like your inheritance. After Sir Gawain was banished, his possessions fell to a distant cousin who refused to claim them due to what Gawain had become. So I took them in and locked them in his old room for safekeeping," Arthur explained. "I guess I always hoped there would be someone to come claim his legacy and redeem it. And here you are."

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