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They heard the door click closed behind them and when Henry turned, he didn't see it anymore. His heart sped up. "How are we supposed to get back?" he asked.

"We probably should've thought of that before we left Storybrooke." Emma frowned. "I guess we have to find Merlin to get home."

"How bloody wonderful," Hook muttered under his breath.

David shouldered his pack. "Come on. Standing around here won't bring us any closer to Merlin."

They walked away from where the door had been, hoping they were going in the right direction. Henry took in their surroundings, amazed. Trees stretched up to the blue sky, their green leaves providing them shade from the warm sun. Grass and dirt crunched under their shoes as they sought out anyone who could help them.

He noticed his grandfather and mother pull ahead and frowned, falling in step with Hook. "Is something wrong?"

"Dunno," Hook replied. "Your grandfather said he wanted a word with Emma and then they left me here."

"I'm sure they'll tell us if it was something really bad. Right?"

Hook nodded. "Sure. They're probably just plotting a course for us."

"Wouldn't you be helpful for that?"

"Probably not," Hook admitted. "I can navigate the sea, lad. Not so great on land."

Emma doubled back, her smile too bright to be genuine. Henry grew suspicious and beside him, Hook tensed up. "What's wrong, love?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said, too quickly.

Henry narrowed his eyes. "I'm not a little kid, Mom. You can tell me."

"Fine," Emma replied, sighing. "David was telling me that people were saying Regina pulled out someone's heart at Granny'."

Cold gripped Henry and he found it difficult to breathe. "Was...Was she with Robin?"

Emma nodded. "We think she was probably just putting on a show for his sake."

"Or she could be reverting back to the Evil Queen," Hook added.

She glared at him but Henry knew there was truth in Hook's words. "So what are we standing around for?" he asked. "We need to save Robin and my mom from the darkness."

"Well spoken, lad," Hook said, taking Emma's hand as they hurried to join David where he stood, having found a road.


Robin had found ways to keep himself occupied at night while Regina slept. For a long time, he had been focused on figuring out which potion she had made to cause her to be barren. When he had discovered it in one of her books, he then set about determining to best undo it. It had taken him a few nights but he had unlocked the right combination to make a new potion for her to take. With how receptive she was to him, Robin had no doubt she would be carrying his child very shortly.

Now, though, he had to find a new way to entertain himself. So he had conjured up a guitar and started to pluck at the strings. Alan had given him a few lessons here or there back during quiet moments in the Enchanted Forest. He started to create some melodies now on his own, humming along with his tune as he sat on the balcony railing.

"That sounds lovely," Regina said. She leaned against the double doors, a silk nightgown clinging to her body.

He put down the guitar, frowning. "Did I wake you?"

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