Chapter 8: The Trade

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I watched as the first competitor sized up Cruz. He was bigger and heavier. He also had a big ego. He smirked at Cruz and turned around to give a grin to the other pirates. First mistake.

Cruz used that moment to charge, slamming into the pirate's torso and flipping him over his shoulder. While the pirate was down, Cruz hopped on him and gave his face a couple punches, keeping him pinned down for the requested amount of time.

Two pirates dragged him away as another stepped into the ring. He lacked the muscles but made up for it in speed and agility. He was running circles around Cruz who kept throwing punches and missing. Cruz quickly switched to defense and faced the guy head on. The pirate ran straight for Cruz who at the last second moved out of the way sticking his hand out to the side, nailing the guy in the throat.

The pirate wasn't even pulled out of the ring when another one jumped in, wrapping one arm around Cruz's neck from behind and the other holding his head in place. Cruz struggled and I started screaming as I watched his face turn red. He bit the pirate's arm making him howl in pain and lose his grip. Cruz threw his head back hitting the pirate's and spun around to knee him in the stomach till he was down.

This went on with two more pirates. Cruz kept winning but would take more blows each time. I wasn't sure how long he could last. The sixth fight was over before I knew it. The pirate hit Cruz over the head and jumped on him to hold him down for the five seconds. 

I didn't even realize what this meant till I saw the pirate heading straight towards me. I was more concerned about the new pirate who pulled Cruz up by his hair and kicked him in the stomach. He doubled over after the second kick. His nose was bleeding, he had a cut on his forehead, and his right cheek was swelling up fast.

"Stop! Stop hurting him you filthy-" PUNCH. The pirate's fist met my face. I spat out some blood before I turned to look at him again. "You're dead," I said as I slammed into him and tackled him to the ground. I began to repeatedly deliver blows to his face.

Some pirates pulled me off him as I noticed the glint of a knife appearing in Cruz's competitor's hand. Cruz was kneeling helplessly on the deck clutching his stomach.

"Wait! STOP! You never said anything about weapons!" I yelled at Athos. He chuckled.

"I never said anything about rules."

I started attacking the pirates that were holding me but I was quickly flung across the deck. I slammed my head into the side of the boat and my vision blurred. When I tried to get up, a foot met my stomach. I groaned in pain.

"STOP!" We all looked up at the voice as Cruz coughed up some more blood. The pirate's knife stopped midair.

"K-Kale?" Kale was standing on the edge of the deck overlooking everyone.

"And just who might you be?" Athos asked. The pirates dragged me up and held me on my feet.

"No Kale. Don't tell them. Don't-" SLAP.

"Hey! Don't touch her again." Kale said jumping down onto the deck.

"My men can do whatever they like with her."

Some snickers were heard from among the crew.

"If I tell you who I am, you have to promise me something." Kale approached Athos.

Invaders in the Blue (Book 2 of the Deep Blue Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now