Chapter 4: There is No Home

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(Kia's POV)

I watched in horror as the missile landed and blew up two houses. Then another one fell. And another, and another, and another.

"No! My baby! Let me go! We have to get him! NO!" Mom cried uncontrollably into Dad as she crumpled into his arms.

I sank to the ground and was numb. I just stared at the explosions blankly like it wasn't real, like it was just a movie. But it wasn't a movie, and my brother was dead.

A tear slipped down my cheek. I started sobbing at first as Kale swam to me and grabbed me in his arms. By the end I was screaming and couldn't bear to watch our home and my brother be burnt down. I just buried my face in Kale's shoulder and cried.

"We need to keep moving," Dad said, his voice quavering. "Let's go deeper into the forest." Dad held Mom up and I swam slowly side by side with Kale.

Not to long after that we stopped at a clearing where our whole village could comfortably stop and make camp. This could be our home for awhile, but maybe, there is no home.

Many of the men had started to build some tents out of kelp as Mom and I silently unpacked the little we had brought with us.

"Kia, I know this might not be what you want to hear right now but it will get better."

"You're right. That's not what I want to hear. But I do want a hug. Please?"

"Of course," Kale said as he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.

"Kia!" a distant voice that resembled Cruz's spoke.

"I can still hear his voice."

"Um, Kia? I heard it too."

I pulled away from the embrace and looked around me frantically. Mom had stopped what she was doing.


"Cruz?" I asked spotting a figure in the distance.


"CRUZ!" I screamed swimming toward him.

"Baby!" Mom called swimming behind me. Cruz spotted us and swam at us full speed. I tackled him to the ground in a huge hug.

"You idiot! We thought you were gone! We thought you were dead!" I yelled hugging him and kissing his cheeks.

Mom reached us and threw her arms around both of us. Dad found us as well and took us all in his arms. He kissed the top of Cruz's head and ruffled his hair.

"You no good son of mine!" Dad cried laughing. We all cried together and hugged each other for a long time.

When we finally pulled apart I was the first one to speak up and ask Cruz the question we'd all been wanting an answer for.

"So where the heck were you, you over-grown goldfish?"

"Well... " Cruz began.

(Cruz's POV)

"What the?" I said as a ball hit my head. I picked it up and turned around to see my buddies laughing.

"Oh you wanna play ball, huh? Okay, let's play ball!"

We threw the ball at one another trying to hit the person we were throwing the ball to. Suddenly, everything got real quiet before the noise picked up again and everyone rushed put of their houses.

"Hey! What's going on?" I asked the closest guy.

"Pirates. They're coming!" A dark shadow made its way over us and I looked up. Sure enough, it was the pirate ship.

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