Chapter 9: Reality

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"Kia, I'm right here."

"Kale, is that really you?"

"Of course it is. No one else looks as hot as me," he said with a laugh.

"I can't believe it!" I cried swimming towards him, engulfing him in a hug.

"But wait, what happened to the pirates? You were unconscious."

"What are you talking about?"

"You rescued us, the pirates took you in exchange and you were whipped and-"

"Kia, none of that happened. What's important is I'm here, and this is where I belong." Kale closed the space between us and ran his hands up my arms to hold my face. For some reason I wasn't stopping him. He came in closer and placed his lips on mine in a soft and loving kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. Soon he pulled away.

"Something's not right," I whispered.

"What? Am I not a good kisser?" Kale joked.

"No but, I'm not a kisser. I'm not supposed to let myself kiss you."

"Are you regretting it?"

"No," I said smiling as I realized that liking Kale wasn't a bad thing. I could use some happiness.

"Good, because I-" Kale gasped.

"Kale?" I asked alarmed. I watched in horror as his eyes drooped and his body fell, my grandfather appearing behind where Kale was before, holding a bloody knife.

"I never did like romance," he laughed evilly.

"NO!" I screamed throwing myself towards Kale, the water around us turning crimson.

This doesn't make sense! How is Athos underwater? How did he get here? Where did he disappear?

"Kale? Kale! Stay with me Kale!" I cried holding his face in my hands. His eyes closed. "No. No. Kale! Kale! No don't leave me no, Kale!"


"Kale!" I gasped shooting upright, pain instantly spreading through my ribs.

"Honey! It's okay, you're safe now. Mommy's here," my mother coaxed as she slowly pushed me back down.

"Where, where, what, how-"

"You're in the infirmary, you came in yesterday with your Dad and Cruz. Cruz is unconscious but stable, your Dad is with the doctor right now. Kale is still on the pirate ship."

"I came in yesterday? How long have I been asleep?"

"Thirty hours. You slept all through yesterday and last night. It's almost dinner time now."

I reached out to hold my mom's hand.

"So, what's the verdict?" I asked. She sighed.

"You have three bruised ribs and a concussion. You could have gone into a coma when you fainted. Luckily you didn't."

"And how about Cruz?" Mom looked over to her right at the bed next to her and I followed her gaze to see Cruz bruised, cut up, and unconscious.

"He's in a coma," Mom said, her voice breaking. "He fractured some ribs, has some cuts on his face, but he was hit in his head too many times. His brain swelled up and shut down his body to recover, one at a time. He's stable but," she started crying, "they don't know when he's going to wake up."

I felt tears sting the corner of my eyes but I wiped them away. I had to be strong for Mom.

"It's going to be okay," I said squeezing her hand. "Cruz is tougher than me. He'll get through this. And so can you." Mom smiled through her tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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