Chapter 6: Many Truths

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(Kia's POV)

"Wh... what?" I stammered. My dad ran his hands through his hair.

"The captain. Of the pirate ship. That blew up. Our mervillage. Is your father?!" I asked incredulously. Dad slowly nodded.

"That makes him my grandfather! I-I can't believe this!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Sir, is something wrong?" a Warrior asked.

"No!" Dad and I both screamed. The Warrior looked taken aback.

"I'm sorry Troy," I said rubbing my forehead. "Just, go back to the others."

Troy slowly sauntered off looking relieved to be out of trouble.

"What do we do now? Who do we tell?" I hissed.

"Tell? We're not telling anybody!"

"Not even Mom?"

"No. I mean yes, we tell Mom and Dane. No one else knows got it?"

"Got it."


"Pst! Kia?"


"Wake up."

I slowly sat up in my tent and rubbed my eyes to see who dared to wake me up this early in the morning.

"Kale? What is it? What do you want?"

"Uh, can I speak to you for a bit?"

"I guess."

I followed Kale to the outskirts of the camp where he stopped and turned to look at me.

"I can't do this."


"I can't do this. Not talking to you."

"You seemed fine with it yesterday and the day before."

"I'm stupid."

"It was really childish-"

"No. I'm stupid to have stopped trying to show you something I didn't even realize I felt. The way I feel about you."

I froze. Didn't he already explain all this stuff to me? Isn't this the reason he was ignoring me to begin with?

"Kale... I don't understand."

"Oh, Kia. You're so naive. Do you even realize how beautiful you are? You've built this wall of toughness around you but inside you are as fragile as a flower."

Me? Beautiful? With all my scars and cuts and bruises from training or just being a reckless kid growing up?

"All the young soldiers have crushes on you. They like you."

"Not like that. I trained with them. It's all friendly."

"Every single one of them want to take you out. You're not there to hear what they say about you after training. Kia, I don't want you to be just some girl I'm going to date, dump, and then forget about. I want this to go somewhere. That's why I'm willing to take a risk."

"Kale we've been through this. What if it doesn't work out? What if everything goes downhill and our friendship will never be the same? And with the pirates, one of us could die tomorrow!"

"Kia, I'd rather live five seconds with you, than die an old man and never have seen your beautiful face."

Here I was with the guy of my dreams telling me he wanted me to be his and calling me beautiful and I was tossing aside every comment. Why couldn't I accept the fact that we could have a very beautiful relationship?

Invaders in the Blue (Book 2 of the Deep Blue Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now