Chapter 1: Parenthood

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(Scarlett's POV)

It's been a year since Declan proposed to me. He had my parents' blessings before he asked me. I know what the big question is. Did I say yes?

Well... we're happily married and pregnant so, of course I did. Our wedding was perfect. We had it underwater and Lyla and Dane's son was the ring bearer. That's right. She had a darling boy a year ago.

We had an even better honeymoon. Declan took me on land to where he grew up. He showed me around and then we spent the rest of our time on a private island where Declan had arranged for us to stay at an adorable cabin.

It has been a wonderful first year as newlyweds. I look forward to starting a family. I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant. I think Lyla was happier than me because I'd stop stealing her son, Kale.

So far everything has gone perfect. We have a fairy tale relationship. But, we don't have kids yet. Declan and I haven't screamed at each other. Sure we've fought but no screaming. That shouldn't change once we have kids... right?


"AAAAAH! Get out!!"

"Take deep breaths honey you're almost there."

"SHUT UP! You said that six hours ago! A woman can be in labor for twenty-four hours Declan. TWENTY-FOUR!!!"

"Okay then fine. You're not even close to delivering."

"How 'bout you take my first piece of advice and SHUT UP!"

"Yes honey. Anything you say."

I threw my head back and took deep breaths. The pain was too much. In case you haven't guessed it yet... I'm giving birth. My baby isn't even here yet and I'm screaming at Declan. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so. After all I am pushing out a living thing out of my body right now.

We were on our "Doctor Island". It's and island that has a cabin on it where mermaids go to give birth. No Human can see it because there's a protective spell on it so only mers can see it. My mom, Declan, and a couple doctors were in the room with me and I'm pretty sure my dad was pacing nervously outside in the hall. I'm pretty sure Anita was doing her best to calm him down.

"Ah!" I screamed, my head shooting back up.

"Alright Scarlett I need you to push when I tell you okay? You're baby is coming. Take deep breaths and think calm thoughts." the doctor said.

"You got this baby," Mom said squeezing my hand while Declan was holding the other.

"Okay. One, two, three, push!"

I screamed as I pushed as hard as I could.

"Come on you can do it! Push again!"

I did as I was told and squeezed Declan's hand.

"Just... go ahead and squeeze. I don't... mind!" Declan said through gritted teeth.

"One more big push!"

"Ah!" I gave my last push and immediately heard the sound of a baby crying.

"Oh my gosh. Baby! You did it! We did it!" Declan said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"It's a boy," a doctor spoke up.

"Really? Let me hold him." I said with tears filling my eyes as the doctor gave our son to Declan.

"He has your eyes Scarlett. He's very handsome," he said gazing at the still crying baby in his arms. I cleared my throat.

"I've been in labor for the past ten hours so I'd like to hold the baby I gave birth to?" Declan laughed and handed our baby to me. The moment he was in my arms he stopped crying.

"Hi. Hi baby. How handsome are you? See there's your daddy and there's your grandma." My dad came rushing into the room.

"I wanna see my-"

"Shh!" Anita and Mom both whisper-screamed.


"And that's your grandpa making a big entrance as usual."

"So?" Anita spoke up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You didn't want to know if you had a boy or girl. So what's his name? We're dying over here!"

Declan and I looked at each other then back at them.

"His name's Cruz."


*two years later*

"Why did I agree to do this again?!"

"I'm not even gonna try to tell you to calm down. You almost ripped my head off last time."

"Alright Scarlett, it's time to push."

Yup. Here comes baby number two. I can promise you there won't be a three. It's not because of the pain of giving birth, it's just that I think two kids is enough. After a couple of pushes, we heard the sound of our second baby coming into the world.

"This one's a girl."

"Are you serious? That's perfect!" I said breathless. Boy and girl. We could use our favorite names that we chose for each. Declan took our daughter from the doctor, who left to call my dad and Anita, and gave her to me.

Instead of my dad bursting through the doors, little Cruz came running through them screaming, "I want Mommy!"

"Cruz I swear I'm gonna-" Dad stopped mid speech when he saw me glaring at him. "... love you to death?" I nodded and mouthed, better. Mom, Dad, and Anita walked over to the bed.

Cruz hopped onto the hospital bed and looked into his little sister's brown eyes. "Baby?" he said pointing to her and looking at me.

"Yes Cruz. Meet your little sister Kia."

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