Chapter 4.

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"Shh guys can't you see they are clearly both sleeping?" I heard someone say. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw all the guys standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing? How did you get in here?" I asked half awake half asleep still.

"Ash gave me a key to her house." Kuza said holding up his hand that had a key in it. He started dangling the key around.

"Alright then." I replied, and laid my head back down on my pillow, and snuggled closer to Ashley.

"Oh no you don't." I heard Balz say. Then, someone slapped my ass.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled as quietly as I could, trying not to wake Ash up.

"You knew we would be here, so it's time to get your ass up!" Angelo said.

"Can you guys shut up?" I asked. They looked at me funny.

"Why?" Ryan asked.

"We'll do you know how fucking hard it was to get Ashley to finally fall asleep last night?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Exactly, she needs the sleep." I replied. Ghost walked over to her side of the bed, and crouched down next to her.

"Oh sweet little Ashley." He said playing with her hair. I watched as everyone else slowly walked over to her, all with very concerned looks on their faces.

"Chris what the fuck happened to her?" Angelo asked me.

"I don't think I should be the one to tell you." I answered. They nodded their heads.

"Do you mind?" Ghost asked him Kuza, and Angelo all looking at me.

"I guess not." I sighed. I wished they would let her sleep a while longer, but I know they were anxious, they all missed her so much. I scooted away, because I knew what they were planning.

"1.2.3!" I heard Kuza whisper, and then the three of them sprinted towards Ashley.

"ASHLEEEEYYYYYY!" They all yelled when they jumped, then landed on her laughing their asses off. I heard Ashley groan.

"Ashwey are wu awake?" Ghost asked her? They were all piled on top of her laughing, and bouncing up and down.

"Yes I am awake now could you please get off of me? You're starting to hurt me." She said in between laughs.

"Yay! Ashwey is awake guys!" Ghost yelled! As him Kuza, and Angelo got off of her. Everyone was smiling.

"What are you all doing here?" Ash asked them.

"Well I got a text from Chris late last night.. Well more like early this morning saying he was with you, now mind you we all had Sabrina messaging us all night last night, so you could imagine how relieved we where when we finally heard from our Chris." Ricky explained. I saw Ashley's face fall when she heard Sabrina's name being mentioned.

"Well anyways when Chris said he was with you, because something was wrong we told him we would be here at 10, because we love you, and we miss you so fucking much, and we just want to make sure you're okay!" Ryan said.

"AND WE BROUGHT COFFEE!!!!" Balz said walking in with a tray in his hands.

"OH MY GOD! I love you guys so much!" Ash said getting up to hug everyone, and Balz handed her a cup.

"We love you too babygirl." Kuza said.

"Here bro." Ricky said handing me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks!" I said taking a sip, as Ashley came and laid her head on my shoulder. Ghost, Kuza, Ricky, Balz, Angelo, and Ryan came and sat down on the bed next to us.

Terrible Disaster (Ash Costello/Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now