Chapter 9.

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Ricky and I were sitting downstairs watching something on tv.

"Hey Rick where did you get a baseball bat from?" I asked curious remembering him running into the room last night with it.

"Oh it's mine. My dad had always wanted me to play the sport, so he gave me his bat, but I never played." Ricky said. Him and his dad had a weird relationship before his dad died.

"I'm sorry man." I said. He shrugged.

"It's alright. He just didn't realize that you can't change people even if they are your own kids." He said staring blankly at the tv.

We sat there in silence for a little bit.

"So where's Ash?" He asked.

"She fell back asleep, and after what happened I figured she needed it." I replied Ricky nodded his head.

"Did she tell you about it?" He asked quietly I wouldn't have heard him if he would have spoke any lower.

"Yeah." I said remembering what her dream was about, and shook my head.

"How bad was it?" He asked.

"I slit her throat. Rick how the hell am I supposed to help her get through this?" I asked.

"Well panicking isn't going to help any." He said I gave him a look. He lifted his hands up.

"Okay sorry." He said. "Tell me about it." He said.

"She doesn't know the difference between her dreams, and the real world anymore. The voices in her head are worse, and are apparently able to turn into people who she is close with including me, and they are making the people do terrible, terrible things to her, and I have to be strong for her. It hurts me to see her hurt like this, but I don't know if I can Rick. I just don't know." I said putting my head in my hands.

Ash POV.

"It hurts me to see her hurt like this, but I don't know if I can Rick. I just don't know." His words stung. I was hurting Chris, and I don't want to keep hurting him. I knew what I had to do. I quietly walked back up the stairs, and into Chris' room where he let me sleep. My dogs were there, and blocking the window I was going to climb out of.

"Mommy loves you boys. Be good for the guys okay?" I whispered to them giving them both a kiss on their heads, then I grabbed a hoodie my phone, wallet, and charger, and climbed out the window. Luckily I had jeans, and my tennis shoes on. It was kinda cold outside. Thank God I could climb down the side of Chris' house easily or else I would have been in big trouble. I was close enough to where I could let go of the building, and land on my feet. When my feet touched the ground I put the hoodie on realizing I grabbed one of Chris' hoodies. Hope he doesn't mind.

I slowly walked over to the window and looked in. I saw Chris and Ricky still sitting on the couch, but then my dogs ran down the stairs, and were barking hysterically at them. The guys didn't know what was going on. Finally they both got up from the couch, and started walking up the stairs. Ash knew this was the time to start running. She pulled the hood up over her head, and ran down the street. It wasn't long till she heard the guys calling her name, but it was too late to go back now. She had made her decision no more hurting Chris or anyone else. She stopped at a bench and sat down.

"You're on your own now." She sighed, then got up knowing the guys would start a search party for her. She started walking not really knowing where she was going, but she knew she was going somewhere far away from here.

Chris POV.

Ricky and I were talking when all of a sudden Ashley's dogs came running down the stairs barking hysterically. I didn't know what to do so I figured Ash had just accidentally shut the door on them, and they couldn't get in the room.

Terrible Disaster (Ash Costello/Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now