Chapter 12.

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Chris POV.

"Guys I may have just found out some very important information that could lead us to her!" I said a little excited.

"Oh yeah? What did you find out?" Angelo asked.

"So she let it slip that she works at a bar, but apparently it's not a franchise. Meaning there's only one, and it's the one that she works at, now I know it isn't much, but she also said that it was very popular, cause she lives in such a big town, and also she said that she would come to see our set at Warped if she doesn't have to work meaning we are going to see her either way." I stated. Everyone just looked at me funny.

"What?" I asked. "I thought I came up with a good plan." I added.

"It's not that it's a bad plan we just need a little more information, before it's a good plan." Angelo said.

"No it is a good plan. Think about it guys all we really have to do is just figure out which city she's in, and then go from there." I stated.

"Exactly go from there! How are we supposed to find out which bar she works at? Do you realize how many bars are not franchises in different cities?" Kuza asked.

"Actually guys there is a solution." Ryan added.

"And what might that be?" Ricky asked.

"Okay so, Warped has their tour dates, and cities we will be at already right?" He asked. We all nodded our heads. "Well then all we have to do is look up bars that aren't franchises in that city." He said.

"That might actually work." Ricky said. Ryan nodded his head. Ricky, Devin, and I will start researching now, and the rest of you, well I really don't care what you guys do, but leave us alone." He said while they went downstairs. I shook my head.

"I hope this works." Balz sighed. The girls nodded their heads.

"Yeah we don't like it when you guys are all mopey and upset." Ryan-Ashley spoke.

"Sorry." I said sitting on the couch next to the dogs. Gremlin crawled on my lap, and Barnabus stayed by my side.

"It's okay we understand." Kylie spoke.

"Do you want any food?" Balz asked.

"Yes! I'm fucking starving!" Angelo exclaimed.

"Alright the girls, and I will be back shortly." Balz said taking Kylie, and of course Ryan-Ashley with him. I layed my head back.

"Dude when was the last time you actually slept?" Angelo asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Go upstairs and lay down for a while." Kuza said. I shook my head.

"Now!" Kuza stated. I got up off the couch, and went upstairs to my room. I didn't want to go to sleep. What if they figured something out? What if Ash messaged me? But, then again sleep does sound pretty nice right about now. I haven't had a good nights sleep in so long. I sighed, and crawled under the covers, and hoped sleep would take over.

Ash POV.

I was Walking through a forest, but it was the same forest that I was in when I was running away from the guys, but how did I get here? Then out of nowhere Chris came out from behind the trees.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked in a snarky voice.

"I'm leaving." I replied hesitantly he just laughed a dark, and menacing laugh.

"I don't think so." He said grabbing my arm, and throwing me against one of the trees. I yelped when I made impact.

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

Terrible Disaster (Ash Costello/Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now