The Mortician's Daughter

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I actually like funerals. The smell of the fresh flowers and the colour black. It's a good thing because my parents are morticians. I get to help out a lot at funerals. I'm not saying that it's good that the person died. Just that it's a nice way to say goodbye. People probably think me a freak for already planned my own funeral at eighteen. Perhaps that's why I'm labeled emo or spazz. I love the way people use something that doesn't exist as an insult. I wear the wrong clothes, listen to the wrong music, like the wrong things... I be myself. And people don't seem to like myself. Something jumps up onto my bed and I turn over to see Andy, my faithful labrador that doesn't judge me and just hunts for cuddles at insane times in the morning. I sit up and yawn, only to have Andy lick my face uncontrolably. I pet him down.

"Calm, Andy. I already have enough morning breath myself..." I crane my neck away from his own morning doggy breath. I clamber out of bed and pull on some sweats. I wasn't expecting to go anywhere today. Andy pulls the sleeve of my over sized hoodie away from me. 

"Andy!" I scold as he lies down on it. I tug it off of him and quickly put it on. 

"Iris?! Did you touch my hair straightener?!" my sister, Crystal screams from her bedroom. 

"Never touched it, why?" I have never used a hair straightener in my life.  

"It's broken!" she screeches. 

"Maybe from abusing your hair with it," I mutter to myself. Crystal is almost nineteen and the complete oposite of me. She has black hair, I have reddish brown. She has brown eyes, I have green. She's tall and graceful, I'm short and flimsy. Personalities and tastes too. Her favourite colour happens to be hot pink and purple, mine has the be green and black. Her music taste refers to Rihanna and Bruno Mars. Mine goes to My Chemical Romance and Black Veil Brides. I tie my hair quickly up with a rubber band, not bothered to actually find a bobbin. I can still hear Crystals hysterical temper tantrum so I turn on my iPod. Ten seconds later Crystal complains.

"Turn down that shit!"

"You turn up yours then!" I am glad at that moment that Mom and Dad have gone away for two weeks on a holiday. How they trusted us not to kill each other iss a mystery to me. Andy lies down and whimpers at us bickering. He doesn't like it either. 

That night I just randomely decide to rent out a movie. A movie that would scare the living shit out of me. I cross my arms and continue down the street. It's black outside and really really cold. I feel uneasy for the fact I'm the only one outside and I can't see any cars. But finally I see lights for the shop and speed my way in. Picking up some movie that looks like it would have plenty of gore, I go to the check out and pay. Then back out into the freezing cold outside. It has gotten colder and my teeth start chattering for the fact I am still in my over sized hoodie and grey sweats. I take a short cut. It is through a few alley ways but it cuts ten minutes off of the journey. I instantly regret my choice when I see a group of drunk guys and girls outside of a shabby looking bar. I turn back around. 

"Hey you! Girly! Come chill with us for a minute!" one guy slurs his words. I don't reply and keep walking. "Hey girly!" The guy runs after me. I run, not caring about the cold and just run. But I'm takcled from behind and the guy's heavy body is pressed ontop of me.

"You're a rude girly aren't you?" I could smell the vomit and beer off his breath. 

"Get off of me you bastard!" I scream, face down on the cement ground. 

"Why don't you and I get a little more aquainted, huh?" I hear laughing from his peers. Then it occurs to me. He's going to rape me. I squirm underneath him, but his body mass pinned me down firmly. I could feel him taking off his pants. 

"No, please..." I whimper, sounding utterly pathetic. "Help!" I scream as loud as I could before the man grabs my hair and smashes my face against the hard ground. I taste blood and see black. 

*   *   * 

My newest Fan Fiction, to do with Black Veil Brides. Should I continue? 


The Mortician's Daughter (Black Veil Brides) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz