Love isn't Always Fair

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Iris POV

I get up, there is no point in lying there in the comfort of Andy's arms that made me feel safe and wanted and frankly a little turned on. But that's besides the point! Especially the last one... I needair. I need to think... I really really really need to pee. So after telling Andy I had to do my stuff and he kisses me once more but I have to tear back before I piss on myself and him. That would have runined the mood. So of course I say I'd be right back and he wasn't to come. He obligues and I have to smile, he did anything for me. It is only until I am walking back from the piss pit when I notice someone following me. No one is meant to be by the buses except for band members and crew. I feel nervous and overall, I am scared. Lucky I had peed minutes before. I pick up my pace to match my beating heart. I don't know if you've noticed but I am a very jumpy person. I jump at my own shadow. So when a hand grabs the chain of the necklace Andy had gotten me and I jump around and scream a little bit. Crystal rolls her eyes at me.

"Jeez you're jumpy." 

"I know..." I mutter and turn back around to walk away. Her hand plants on my shoulder, spinning me around.

"Listen I'm sorry about earlier." 

"No you're not. I know you. You're never sorry," I say truthfully, in my entire life I have never known Crystal to apologise to anyone. She rolls her eyes yet again. 

"Told you she wouldn't fall for it," she calls over her shoulder. I hear a tired sigh and a guy appeared from behind her holding rope. All I want to do right then is run. And run I did. I run faster than I ever run before. But it doesn't help when your sister did running in school and has won ever competition out there.

Andy POV

Time passes. Twenty minutes. A half an hour. Something is wrong. I swing myself onto the floor, waking CC who was beneath me. 

"Dude, what's wrong?" he asks sleepily. 

"Somethings wrong with Iris. She's been gone to the bathroom for too long."

CC grimaces, "She have some of those tacos? 'Cause they are lethal..."

"No bro, I mean like wrong wrong..."

He catches my expression and jumped up and I immediately look away, "Bro, put on some pants. I don't wanna see your dick." 

"Sorry, man. Y'know how I sleep." 

I hold the bridge of my nose, "Iris was literally just in here with you naked."

He shrugs, zipping up the pants, "She wasn't gonna find out." He pauses, thinking about it, "Yeah, I'm gonna wear pants from now on. It gets pretty hot in here." 

"Okay not the point here!" I finally move the conversation away from CC's naked sleeping habits. Everyone in the band has seen CC naked at least twice. We go outside and head towards the cubicles but CC stops me.

"Man..." He hands me something on a chain and I lift it up. A silver guitar pick with Iris's name engraved on the front and 'A Devil For Me' on the back. I clasp it in my fist. She has either dropped it or someone ripped it off of her. And I had a bad feeling it was the second and some fucker was gonna pay if they hurt her. CC points and I saw a battered red converse. I look at him and his face shows that he thought the same as me. Someone had got Iris. 

David POV

She could struggle, that one thing was true. She bit me when I bound her, drawing blood. So I slap her. Dirty whore. I look up at Crystal who is standing with her arms crossed over her chest watching me tie a rope around her sisters legs, bounding her to a chair. She is biting her lip as if she is reconsidering something. I cock my head to the side.

"You're not rethinking this are you?" I ask gently.

She shakes her head, "No!" She said it too quickly. I grin and turned my attention back to the bitch. 

"Good, because if you were; I'd have to get a second chair." 

I swear I can hear her gulp.

That isn't good. Iris squirms in the chair to no use. I am a master at tying knots. Learnt it in the scouts. Something I had to thank my parents for.

"Shut up," I whisper in her ear. Then I feel the impact of spit hitting my face. 

"Fuck you," she snarls at me, the rope had slid down her chin. I wipe the spit away and tighten the rope more so that it made it harder for her to breath.

"You're gonna wish you never did that." 

* * *

23 votes on the last! You guys do not know how overjoyed I am! *hugs*

As always let me know what you think!

Picture of Iris at the side (: 

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