Sweet Blasphemy

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Crystal POV

When I look up I see my little sisters hand draped across his chest and hanging in mid air. I feel a pang of jealousy. They barely know each other and yet they seemed so madly in love. Love in no fucking way works that fast, does it? Maybe it does, they seem to feel so. I feel sick when I think about what David was about to do... and that I was helping him do so... I was angry, confused and tired but that is no excuse for what I did. I don't expect anyone to forgive me, hell I don't forgive myself. I sit up and find that Ashley had just come back in. He looks at me with sad and disappointed eyes. I point outside to indicate that I want to talk. Uncomfortably close to CC snores, I stand up, smooth out my clean clothes and follow Ashley out. He has his arms crossed over his chest and looking at me, expectingly. 

"I'm sorry," I manage to say and he looks surprised.

"You shouldn't say sorry to me. Say sorry to your sister."

"I know and I will."

There's a silence.

"Any reason for the summoning of me?" he asks and I shrug.

"I felt it was necessary."

"I think it might be necessary to call your parents and tell them about this," he says and I look at him in shock.

"Are you fucking kidding me? They'd chew my ass up!"

He rolls his eyes, "Either you tell them, or BVB, Iris or the security will." 

"You're serious aren't you?"

"Deadly serious. Would you rather someone else tell them?"

I sigh, "I'm going to go call them." 

Iris POV

We don't wait along to get to the airport. The guys did another signing and then they start packing up. I go for the fastest shower in history and hop back on the bus with wet hair. I am in Andy's arms the whole time. He doesn't seem to want to let go and I don't want him too. I don't tell him that there is a cut all up along my ribs because to be honest I think he would have a panic attack. Jake carries my bags, while Andy practically carries me. Jinxx laughs from the sidelines and it feels almost normal. Well as normal as it can be surrounded by your idols and speedily falling in love with one. I realized it when I saw Andy come out of the trees and tackled David. I was scared for Andy. But when I first saw him, I felt better. I felt like David could do whatever the hell he wanted to do to me and I would be okay. Andy seems withdrawn and quiet but never fails to be there for me. To be honest all of the guys are pretty quiet. Crystal stays away from us and doesn't talk, unlike her. She looks up at me sadly every so often and I feel bad. What had I done so bad that had possessed her to help David? I don't know. She's my sister, I can't hold a grudge, can I? My parents rang me telling me that Crystal had told them everything. Needless to say they wanted me home and that Crystal is in a shitload of trouble. 

"You okay?" I ask Andy on the plane. Jake is snoozing silently on my right. Andy nods and smiles.

"I'm fine, it's you who I'm concerned about."

"Why? I am perfectly fine..."

"You were screaming in your sleep," he says softly.

"Oh... What was I eh screaming?"

"Well more like you were in pain screams, not horror movie level, and then you kept saying my name... And then a shitload of no's."

"Well I can imagine what was on my mind then..." I mutter.

"It will never happen to you again," he says comfortingly and holds my hand while the plane descends. 

They drive us straight home in their trusty van. Crystal walks up the drive straight away and waits by the door, not wanting to go in by herself. The guys all give me hugs and Andy steps out with me. He rubs his eyes.

"Iris... I love you..."

My breath got caught in my throat. 

"But we have to take a break..."

"What?" I manage to choke out. 

"Look what happened to you. Any body would have ditched my ass as soon as we got back here."

"But I'm not anybody." 

He smiles, "I know you're not. Listen, we're both going different ways anyway. I'm going to be going to Europe again and you're going back to school for your exams. I'm just going to be a distraction."

"Andrew Dennis Biersack, you are not a distraction and stop making excuses!" 

"It's scary how you know my full name," he says jokingly.

"Any eight year old with an internet connection could find that out," I dismiss. 

"I will come back to you Iris. I give you my word."

"How long?" I ask.

"I don't know..." 

"Can we please stay in contact?" I try.

"I don't know..."

"You don't know a lot do you?" I ask and step into his embrace.

"Part of my charm..." His cheek rests on my head. I go up on my tip toes and kiss him, knowing that I wouldn't see my second half for a long time. That part hurt. 

* * *

Trust me it's not the end!

And yes I am back from camping *evidently*

I survived a vicious spider attack with my friend and peed in a deptless black hole. Needless to say we are ready for Warped, Download, Oxegen, Sonisphere... Any festivals you can think of!

As always thank you so much for reading it means so much to me!

And let me know what you think.


The Mortician's Daughter (Black Veil Brides) ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora