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Iris POV

All I can hear for the whole drive is Crystal's massive wedged heal slamming into Ashley every five minutes after he makes a motion or says something she doesn't like. Well, let's just say he hasn't said anything she did like.

"Break any bones yet, Ash?" Jake calls from the back.

"Almost there. Push harder, darlin'." 

"You fucking asshole!" Another kick. Andy looks at me and rolls his eyes. 

"I think they like each other," He whispers. 

"Oh yeah, I can feel the love all the way up hear!" I whisper back sarcastically. Andy shook with laughter.

"You deserve a hug for that," he pulls me in a hug. Godammit. I love hugs. Any hugs really. But usually I only get them from my dog which is kind of pathetic. But sorry my dog Andy, arms around you are nice too. 

"Good thing I like hugs," I say, inhaling his now familiar scent of tobacco and vanilla. 

"Good thing I like giving hugs," he rests his cheek on my hair. "Your hair smells like lemons," he notes.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I ask, prepared to pull back.

"A very good thing, he says in his deep voice. Oh God his voice. If it was possible I wanted to wrap myself in his voice. 

"Can Iris breath in there?" CC calls from the back, he is putting on his make up for the signing later.

"No, I died a minute ago," I call back, Andys chest shakes with laughter and the guys at the back laughs. I could literally feel Crystal roll her eyes. Kick. I feel sorry for Ashley. He honestly did not deserve her rage. She had to take it out on someone and he was the one near by.

"Put on a shirt!" I hear her spit at him.

"Awh no, you really want to get a looky at this." Kick. I felt that one. "No amount of kicking will make me put my shirt back on," he says adamantly. Oh God. Now Crystal was issued a challenge. 

"Wanna bet?" Kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick

Andy turns around, "Ash, you do realize you have to stand later?"

"Yeah... I realize," he manages to say but holds his ground. His side is going to be broken up. I've felt those heels in a kick before. Not the most plesant experience in the world. 

* * *

Ashley POV

Damn. That girl can kick. I find it kinda sexy though because she has to raise her leg for every kick and she is wearing a very short skirt. Do you see where I'm heading with this? I think she caught me looking maybe a hundred times? My side is going to hurt like shit later. But this is too fun.

"Y'know some people find pain kinky," I say to her in a matter of fact way. Kick. "I am one of those people." I wink and she looks horrified. This girl is so fun to mess with. I can list this as a past time. And three whole days? Awesome. I start moaning, feigning an orgasm. Her foot drops and I drop the moaning.

"C'mon now. I'm not that horny," I say. Kick

"Eh Ash, yes you are," Jinxx says. I have to agree to that. 

"Wake me up when we get there." I put my shades back on and grin as she keeps kicking me. May I add ow? 

* * *

Crystal POV

I keep kicking and he takes no notice. Did he actually not feel it? No wait, he does. I just saw him grimace slightly. To be honest I don't want him to put a shirt back on, he was pretty hot lying there. Out of all the skinny twigs on this bus it was nice to see abs. Even if there is a tattoo across them. I hate tattoos so that was a major turn off. 

"You gonna give up darlin'?" he asks, looking at me above the sun glasses. 

"Not until I hear a crack." I smirk and continue. 

"Okay, don't see why you'd want to break your shoe though..." he settles back down. Fucking asshole. But the bus stops and he sits up. 

"Looks like I lasted, darlin'," he says and bit his tongue at me. He stands up and goes to the back of the bus. I have no clue what he is doing. The emo called CC gives me a fucking fright walking up in that make up. 

"What paint do you use?" Iris asks him, genuinly interested. He tells her a name I have never heard before as the giant moves past me to the back. The smell of paint is over powering so I got off. I am in a fucking field. An actual field. There are other buses around and some people are are talking. Iris gets off with CC and what is the other guy called? Jack? Jake? One of them. Her eyes open wide at the people walking around. 

"Holy shit. Nathan Leone!" she manages to say.

"Go say hi," CC tells her and nudges her forward. I swear I have never seen my little sister smile that much since she was with thse guys. I watch her go over to this small cute blonde dude who happily talks to her and takes pictures. Who the fuck is he? 

* * *

Wow, I'm on a roll!

For those wondering, Nathan Leone is singer of a band called Madina Lake - another one of my band obsessions. Link of them over there > > >

Let me know what you think!

*hugs* thanks for reading!

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