La La La Statement

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Andy POV

"Not gonna make it CC!" Jake shouts as we swerve in between cars madly. It's amazing how we didn't get pulled over. CC was an animal behind the wheel.

"No! We're gonna make it!"

"There's a road block!" 

I swear I could hear CC smirk, "Not anymore there is." Sure enough when we reach the block he drives straight off of the road. 


"Holy shit!"

"I don't want to die!" 

All these are being repeated as CC drives straight off of the road continously. Gotta give props to him though, he is determined to make it and at this speed he might. 

"You okay dude? You're looking green," I ask Jake. He nods and keeps his head between his legs.

"Hahaha! Told you I'd make it!" We halt, all flailing back. Ash lands ontop of me, me on top of Jake and Jinxx under us all. "Sorry guys..." CC says, I smile at him.

"Nice maniac driving." 

Ashley pushes me away, "Get in there! We'll be busy showing CC the reason why we don't drive like maniacs and put peoples lives into danger..." 

CC looks at me, "You got an extra ticket man?"

"'Fraid not, good luck."

He smiles and smacks my arm, "You too, bro." 

Iris POV

I got looks when I walk in, whether they are positive or negetive that was unknown. It had actually been decorated pretty nicely. My first dance and I didn't know what to do. People were dancing to some poppy thing. 

"This is so cool." Jesse breaths, taking in her surroundings. 

"Glad you think so."

"Let's dance." She pulls me out into smack bang the middle of the dance floor. We both randomely move, not neccessarily a dance at all. People move out of our way sure enough. Jesse suddenly stops and looks over my shoulder, seemingly gob smacked.

"Jesse, you okay?" I am contemplating slapping her, that was meant to help frozen people wasn't it?

"I'm fine. Just look..." 

"What? Why? Is there a spider on me or something?" My heart races at the thought of a spider.

"No spider I'm afraid." A deep voice says very high up. My breath gets caught in my voice. 

"I'm scared to turn around." 

"Then I'll turn you for you." My face is slowly turned by a soft hand. I see nothing but Andy's face smiling at me. "Hi."

"Hello." I don't know what to do. I couldn't help  it when my lip quivered and my eyes welled up. The I was in Andy's arms, surrounded by only him. His lips are on my hair and I rest my head on his chest. 

"I missed this," he says. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," my voice comes out choked. 

"Well let's make up for lost time shall we?" His lips slide onto mine. Oh God I missed this. He pulls back, suddenly making me very aware that we are in the middle of everyone in my grade. Andy grins at me.

"You look so beautiful." 

"No I do not. You know I hate dresses."

"Well the dress is nice too."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Sliding my hand into his I turn back around to the unforgotton Jesse.

"Jesse Andy. Andy Jesse. Jesse is a hard core fan," I say matter of factly. Jesse looks like she's going to pass out there and then. 

"Pleased to meet you, Jesse."

"Ahuh... I eh... You... Iris... I..." Jesse stutters and immediately went red. Still holding my hand, Andy leaned over and hugged her in one of his Andy bear hugs. He pulled back, leaving Jesse looking flustered. 

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go give you guys time alone and die happy." She walks away unsteady.

"She seems nice," Andy says, arms now around me again. 

"She is." I press my cheek to his chest.

"Everyone is looking over here," Andy notes, against my hair.

"Their probably wondering what the hell I'm doing with a God. Or touching a guy," I mutter into him.

"Or maybe they just noticed how amazing you are now that someone has you." 

"You have me now do you?" I look up at him teasingly.

"Well it would be awkward if you just owned my heart and I not yours." 

"That's so romantic."

"What can I say? I'm a romantic." He pauses, "Let's give them something to look at shall we?" He swoops down and kisses me. Again. 

* * * 

Let me know what you think!

We're not quite done yet, still a few loose ends to tie up. So be expecting one or two more chapters.

But thank you for reading and supporting nothingless!

Iris's dress at the side (:


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