Perfect Weapon

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Andy POV

Iris's parents call that night but she had fallen asleep so I had answered it. 


"Andy? Why are you answering Iris's phone?" Iris's mom asks. 

"She's asleep." I look down at Iris resting on my chest. Her face is caked with dried tears and around her eyes are red. 

"Been wearing her out, huh?" She laughs, "Listen, tell her to ring me when she wakes up. I can't get a hold of her sister. Is Crystal okay?"

"Not happy about being here..." I hedge the answer. 

"I don't suppose she would be. Listen, sorry about dropping Crystal on you but it'd be a good experience for her. Okay I'll let you go, you probably have a show don't you?"

"Tomorrow," I stroke Iris's hair out of her face. 

"Good luck with that, bye Andy." She hangs up and I take a deep breath. Not as bad as I imagined it to be. Iris's head is on my chest and my arm around her. I had lifted her into my top bunk. The bunk the way Jinxx had said, "You'd need to be a giraffe to sleep up there." She moves a bit and blinked up at me. 

"Morning," she mumrurs and snuggles more into me.

"Actually it's..." I look at my phone, "Eleven PM." 

"Wow," she says in a sleepy voice.

"Wanna go back to sleep?" I ask. She shakes her head. "What do you want to do?" She shrugs and looks up at me with puppy dog like eyes. I lean down and kiss her. 

David POV

She's walking towards me, bottle of rum in hand. 

"Hey you!" she says, not quite under the influence yet. 

"I need to talk to you," I reply and walk over to her. She is quite hot, unlike her sister. 

"Awesome, 'cause I gotta talk to you," she says and links her arm casually in mine. "Why did you ignore me?"

"Because I needed you angry."

"It fucking worked. Why did you want me angry?"

"So you'd hate your sister." 

She laughs bitterly, "Already hate her." 

"Good. I do too." She looks at me.

"What she turn you down for giant emo prick or something?" 

I glare at her, "Andy is not emo or a prick," I growl.

"Hey hey now... protective much?" She takes a drink. 

"I need your help," I say finally.

"With what?" she asks, another drink. 

"Getting rid of your sister." She slowly smiles and hands me the bottle. I grin back and grin. It was all turning out perfect. 

Ashley POV

I laugh. She had no problem forgetting about me anyway. I just saw her walk past linked with this blonde guy. I honestly don't care though. She's drunk. I'm on the verge of drunk. My emotions were mixed up and her memory and actions were fucked up. She's fucked up. CC told me that she attacked Iris earlier today and that Iris is in a state. Only time I saw Iris was when Andy brought her into the bus at around seven. Is Crystal bipolar or something? I am pretty much convinced that she is by now because when I saw her walking past she was laughing like she hadn't just tore a clump of hair from her sisters head. 

"Dude, wanna catch the Linkin Park show?" Jake asks from behind me.

"Nah man, I'm okay. I'm gonna find some whiskey. You?"

"Sure, think Jinxx hoarded a load." 

"Don't eat any baby giraffes," I say, laughing at remembering the interview. Jake rolls his eyes.

"I won't get drunk then." 

* * *

Holy shit balls, 18 votes on my last chapter. You all deserve so many hugs! 

*hugshugshugshugshugshugshugs* I am so freaking happy!

Okay so I have a question for you guys, who is your favourite character? You can either pick one or two.

Thank you for reading!


- Amy (:

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