The Legacy

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My heart is thumping loudly and it is silent besides the scraping of Andy's nails on the wooden floor. I heard humming. From the kitchen. I'm just in the door way, bat raised and let a weird little battle cry escape my lips. He raises his hands and raises an eyebrow at my pose. I am in shorts and a loose pyjama t-shirt that was almost longer than the shorts. There is a dog beside me and I am holding a bat above my head. I drop the bat.

"Andy?" I say, referring to the giant standing in front of me. He grins. He's in black jeans, with a large rip on the knee, trade mark boots and a black vest. He is utterly gorgeous. 

"No hug?" 

I give him a hug while letting out a shakey laugh, "You gave me a heart attack." 

"Well you weren't meant to wake up." 

I look around the kitchen, there were mixing bowls and flour everywhere. 

"How'd you get in?" I ask.

"Crystal let me in."

"Seriously? She let you in?"

"Well she was half stoned out of her mind but yeah. Now birthday girl, I was in the process of making you the most amazing birthday cake you have ever consumed." 

I couldn't stop smiling. He held me closer and placed his lips at the top of my head.

"Happy birthday," he murmurs. 

"This is the best birthday ever," I say contently.

"And you haven't even had my cake yet."

I take another look at the raw ingredients, "Can I help?" I ask.

"Grab an apron, wherever they are situated." 

I am covered in flour. We had started a flour fight after the cake went in and Andy is also covered. Time flew past so fast and before I know it it's eleven. So I am in the process of throwing four at Andy when my parents walked in. Shock is clear on their faces and I don't know what to say. 

 Mom suddenly smiles. 

"You must be Iris's new friend." She extends a hand, "Hannah." Andy shakes it.


Dad is shocked at the deepness of his voice. He doesn't move, but keeps his eyes on Andy the whole time.

"What were you guys doing before we got here?" Mom asks. 

"Well your daughter just threw flour at me," Andy smiles down at me.

The timer dinged idicating that our masterpiece was ready. I took it out of the over and it actually looks pretty good. 

"We'll let you get on with it, while we unpack," Mom wraps me in a hug, "Happy birthday, sweety." Dad also gives me one, eyes never leaving Andy.

"Happy birthday, honey." They disappeared up the stairs. 

"Well that was a hit," I say, looking back at Andy who was holding a bag of flour, a mischievious look plays on his face. 

"No... don't you dare!" I squeal and duck as flour is pelted at me.

A half an hour later, Andy and myself cleaner, we're sitting in the sitting room eating our beautifully iced cake. Mom and Dad were pelting Andy with questions. First it started off with nice things such as how long has he known me and then it got more personal. His age, where he was from and what plans he had for the future. All he said was that he was interested in making music and he was planning around that. Then Crystal came down and Mom clapped he hands together. 

"Right, presant time!" 

Mom and Dad give me their's first. A Blink 182 t-shirt, numerous CD's including MCR, BVB and Motionless in white. And I also get a BVB poster of which Crystal took out of my grasp and made a face.

"Why would you get her this crap...?" She looked at Andy suddenly and dropped the poster. "That's you!" She screeched. I had to stop myself from laughing. Dad took up the poster and look between Andy and his face on the poster. Mom looks in too. 

"Well now I know what concert you went to." Was the only thing she said. So now my family know that I am friends with a rock star. One of which I hadn't shut up about for ages. The the questions started to flow again. Were they on tour? Did they have anyother plans besides the music business? On average how many fans did they have? 

"I'm going to grab a coke," I say quickly, my mind buzzing with the amount of questions that Andy is answering. Mom follows me. She's grinning like a looney. 

"You sure know how to pick friends, Iris," she says.

"It was pure coincidence," I shrug.

"Have you spent much time with him?" her tone turns serious. 

"Him and the other guys. They gave me a view of the concert from back stage."

"Wow, well that was nice of them."

"It was." 

"Be careful, honey."

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"You know those rock star types, they look for one thing and one thing only..." 

"Mom!" I say outraged, "The guys are not like that!"

"How do you know? You've known them for five minutes..."  

"I know them more than you do," I snap. I have never snapped at my Mom before. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she says quietly, "Come on better not keep your guest waiting." 

When we go back in, Andy hands me a small box. I take it in confusion and open it up. Inside is a necklace. But not a regular run of the mill one. It's shaped like a guitar plectrum and my name is engraved on the front. On the back in italic writing it said, A Devil For Me. I give him a hug right there. 

"The guys have something for you as well," he says, smiling.

"They're here?"

"Well they will be." 

*  *  *

Thankies for reading, let me know what you think (:

- Amy (:

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