The New Religion

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Andy's POV

I have never been interigated so harshly. Honestly, it was worse than customs at the airport. Iris's Dad looked like he wanted to kill me or at least castrate me. Hannah was firing questions at me as if it was one of those tests that you had to say the first thing that came to your mind. But when Crystal thunders down the stairs with a massive suitcase in hand. Iris's parents shared a look amongst each other and Hannah leaves, shutting the door after her. I am left alone in the room with her Dad. He steps towards me, and looks up at me with the sternest expression I have ever seen on a human being. 

"If you do anything to hurt either of my girls I'll-" 

I stop him, "I know, you'll get rid of my man hood. I promise that the guys and I will do everything to keep your daughters safe."

He looks down and laughs then actually smiled at me, "Go give Iris a good birthday." He claps me on back and I leave the room stunned. I was expecting something like a stare down or screaming match. Sure enough Iris is waiting there, small sports bag in hand and smiling madly. I'm just glad that she can go. Crystal on the other hand is looking at me as if I killed a cute kitten with my bare hands. I hear the very familiar sound of the bands van screeching to a halt. I wave out the window to CC who was opening the door, he gives me a thumbs up. Iris  gives her mom and dad a hug and Crystal just stalks out without a word to anyone. Walking down the drive Iris can't stop grinning which causes me to grin. It was contagious as hell. CC raises his eyebrow at the sight of the black haired bunny with a scowl in front of us. I roll my eyes. I am not exactly over the moon that Crystal is coming, but if that meant Iris is allowed come, I'm game. Crystal gives CC a look as her takes her suitcase and flings it at the back of the van. 

"Hey Iris," he says, grinning. The guys like Iris. She is different and practically every night Jinxx had a laughing fit over the fact that she knocked herself out again when seeing him. It was actually the guys who gave me the idea of bringing Iris to Download. They were saying how awesome it would be if they seen her again, inspiration struck and I immediately came here. 

"Happy birthday, dude," Ashley says, leaning over a sleeping Jake to hug her. Crystal crinkles up her nose.

"What is that smell?" she says distastfully. 

"That's probably CC," I say, grinning at him.

"Not me. I can hold a tight shit." 

"Ew ew ew," Crystal says pulling yet another face. Iris rolls her eyes at me. She had to put up with this everyday. Kind of admirable come to think of it. When the van lurches to a start Crystal falls back on Jinxx who is zoned out. He shouts out in surprise at the girl on his lap and Crystal screams at the fact that she is on his lap. 

"Crystal! Get a hold of yourself!" Iris says, causing me to try and hide a laugh with coughing. There isn't a load of space left for the fact that Crystal demands a whole fucking bench to herself and will not budge. So Jinxx has to squash up with CC and Jake - who is still asleep - and Iris sits on my lap. Luckily the road is smooth enough other wise her head would have hit off of the roof. My arms are wrapped around her waist holding her close. My mind wanders to kissing her and I couldn't help but smile. She's so innocent and gentle. I like it. It is different. She's different in the best way possible. I remember clearly the night we found her. We were coming right out of a show and I was lighting a fag walking back to the van. Then we all heard the unmistakable sound of someone screaming for help. Without any warning I ran towards where it came from. There was this severly drunk and high guy lowering his pants on top of of her. 

"Get the fuck off!" I had shouted at the guy who seemed pretty shocked at my appearance. The he regained his composure and continued lowering his pants, smirking at me. So I did the intelligent thing. I kneed him in the balls. He grunted and landed in a heap.

"I told you to get off of her." I said and he attempted to move away with his pants around his ankles, clutching his nuts. I kicked him in the stomach. By then the guys had arrived.

"Dude what happened?" Ashley had asked and then by the look on his face he found out the answer himself. Jake and CC were over to the guy who was now clutching any part of his person I had hurt. Jinxx was calling the police. On seeing the guys and my make up the other people ran fast. 

"Is she okay?" Jake asked as I picked her up, bridal style. She was really light and although passed out cold, had a cute sleepy expression. 

"Cops will be here in a minute..." 

When the cops arrived they took him away, traces of meth on him. They gave us the okay and we took her back to the van. That was pretty much it. But every time I think about it I feel sick thinking about how close Iris had come to it... She's too innocent. When we arrive at the airport I give Jake a light kick.

"Rise and shine sunshine," I say and open the doors. Jinxx throws me down the bags. I refuse to let Iris carry her own bag. It is her birthday anyway. I want to make sure she has nothing to worry about. I can hear Crystal complaining already about her carrying her suitcase on seeing me carry Iris's. Ashley sighs and takes it off of her. Crystal is surprised, but she clutches her hand bag and walks in this strange way that made her look like she had really bad stomach pains. 

"You didn't have to do that," Iris whispers to Ashley.

"I didn't want to hear that go on for nine hours," he replies. 

"Try twenty four seven," Iris says, pulling a face when she sees Crystal waiting for someone to open the door for her. Yeah you heard me. Open a door for her. Wow. Ashley puts a hand on Iris's shoulder.

"You brave child," he continues ahead. 

I won't put you through the boring details of checking in and customs. That was boring and with my ADHD I was counting on Iris on keeping me sane and she was doing an amazing job at doing so. I had to stop to breath every so often. But finally our flight was called and we got on. Then I found out that to add to the list of problems, Crystal had a fear of flying. One of which Iris had never heard of and seemed to manifest out of no where. But as soon as Crystal layed her eyes on this guy boarding the plane her fears suddenly vanished. 

I cannot believe what I'm looking at. Okay I can believe it but I can't believe I'm looking at it. I cough and they jolt in shock.

"The door opened," I say at very naked Crystal and company. I had gone to the toilets and waited outside, the door swung open and loe and behold that's what I saw. I have to say I could have gone my whole life without seeing Iris's complete opposite about to board the mile high club. I walk off, ignoring the fact that I have to piss really badly. Iris looks at me sleepily as I sit back down.

"You pee that fast?"

I had to try not to laugh as the other passengers were silent. 

"Busy." I leave it at that. I held Iris's cold hand for the remainder of the flight. 

* * *

So did anyone enjoy the trip inside Andy's thoughts?

Let me know what you think and if I should do another Andy POV. 

Thank you for reading! *hugs*

- Amy (:

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