The Gunsling

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Ashley POV

By the time we're finished the signing people are convinced that Crystal was going out with me. Again, I couldn't resist. Honestly, when she gets mad at me it's pretty hot. Anyway, I had to make some form of fun for Iris who has been Crystals main aim of torture. I'm pretty sure that Crystal hates my guts. That's fine, I wasn't that keen on her myself. 

"You'll pay for that," she hisses in my ear.

"Looking forward to it." I grab a can from the back of the tent and crack it open. "Want one?"

"Yes. I want to get as drunk as possible so I don't have to put up with you," she says, catching the can I threw at her. She drains it. "Impressive." 

She pulls a face at me. The guys are all checking equipment for the show. I don't think they could hear us. 

"Why are you such a bitch?" I ask. Her head snaps up.

"What did you just ask me?"

"You heard me. You can't be all that bad," I take a swing from the can. 

"Can't I? What if I'm the cold hard bitch I act like?" she muses.

"I don't think so." I stand up straight and walk past her, "Call me when you get tired of acting like a bitch." There, left her something to think about. I continue to back stage where we're on in half an hour. I didn't expect her to follow me. I was an asshole to her and I felt kind of bad. 

* * *

Andy POV

Iris is back stage at the side smiling madly. I look out to the crowd who were just as into it as I am. Singing Knives and Pens I notice Crystal standing on the grass at the side of the stage staring intently. She is crying and clutching a bottle of vodka tightly. She walks away noticing me seeing her. I continue giving the people watching us the best fucking concert they've ever seen. 

"That was awesome," Iris tells me afterwards. 

"Thank you." I grin. She is happy. It was obvious because she could not stop smiling. Something different than when she was at home. I stop Ash walking past.

"You see Crystal?" I ask him and he shook his head.

"Why? She okay?"

"She's crying, man," I say quieter so Iris couldn't over hear, but she was over by Jake asking him could he show her his guitar. Easily distracted. I can see the alarm in Ash's face. 

"Ash, what happened?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'll see you later okay?" He speeds off before I could say anything else. What the hell had happened? I noticed that earlier Ash was messing with Crystal but maybe the dating thing took it too far with her. Didn't seem likely but maybe. 

"Anything wrong?" Jinxx asks me, noticing some thing was up. I shake my head.

"Honestly, I don't know." I look up, it was getting dark, it was around nine and Asking Alexandria would be setting up for their set soon. "We better split."

"Yeah sure. I'm gonna grab some food, you want some?" Jinxx asks, putting his guitar in his case. 

"Nah, I'm good." 

"I heard the word food," Iris pipes up. 

Jinxx grins and links arms with her, bringing her off to his favoured festival food stall. CC had left with Jake to find something to drink, didn't blame them. Long day. Didn't feel like this morning that I had gotten into a cab straight to Iris's house and seeing Crystal answer the door half high and hungover and just letting me right it. Damn, she was proper wasted then. But it was still Iris's birthday, I still wanted to make it worth something. Annoying that I barely know the girl five minutes and she's laced in every thought. It's impossible to fall for someone in a few days. I'm a hopeless romantic so maybe I'm fooling myself that that's what it is. Sure, keep telling yourself that there Andy. 

* * *

I've gotten over 100 votes on this story and for that I am overjoyed! That is the highest amount of votes I've ever gotten on one story on wattpad, so thank you so much for getting me this far!

Picture of Crystal on the right.

Thank you so much for reading!

Le me know what you think and *hugs*

- Amy (: 

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