A Devil For Me

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Andy came back out in his more usual style. He grins at me.

"I suppose you can guess what the surprise is at the point," he says. I tilt my head to the side and shake it. 

"Not a clue," I say sarcastically then turn serious, "If it's anything to you guys this is my first concert." 

"Well we hope it's special," Ashley says, coming from behind Andy. 

"Unless you actually hate Black Veil Brides, then this would be awkward," Andy says, grimacing. 

"Black Veil Brides? Never heard of them." I roll my eyes, "One of the bands I never stop listening to."

Jinxx puts his head on my shoulder, "We appreciate it." He then stands up. "We're on," he says and slaps Ashley and Andy on the back. Andy holds out his hand and hauls me up. 

"You, my friend, get the best view in the house." He leads me to the side of the stage where there is a very comfortable couch pointing towards the stage.  I am speechless. Since when do I deserve this? 

"Any song requests?" Andy asks. 

"As long as it's something of ours," Ashley states, "If not, you're wanting that... outta luck."

"A devil for me," I say suddenly and then look down, "If that's okay. It was the first song I heard." 

Andy smiles, "Then we'll play it."

"The onchor," Jinxx says and pulls his guitar strap over his shoulder. The lights went out on stage. Andy gives me a quick grin before running out. The crowd went wild and I was really glad I didn't have to stand out there with the crowd. I'd get eaten I'd bet. The guys give me a smile as they run out also.

I sit back comfortably and watch the show. You know, record a few videos, take a few pictures, sing a few songs... get a lot of weird looks and smiles from crew members and just enjoy it. Plus, I couldn't help but grinning because every so often Andy looked in at me and smiled. 

Before the onchor was played the guys ran out, completely breathless. Ashley whacks Andy on the arm.

"I thought you were going to fall on me!" he says, refering to Andy climbing up on the balcony. Andy laughs. The crowd is cheering for more. CC bends over.

"Let me catch my breath." A pause then he stands back up, "I'm good!" He runs back on stage, followed by the guys and when they played A Devil For Me I can't stop smiling like a loony. The first time I heard this song was when I was on youtube and it was a suggestion. Four years ago I had heard it. And it is just as amazing live. I can't help myself belting out the words. Before Andy left the stage he wades down into the crowd and touches as many hands as he can. The people will probably never wash their hands again. He manages to get out of the crowd, but unsurprisingly without a shirt. He screams a goodbye and runs back out. 

"I'll miss that shirt." He pouts at me. I can't stop staring at his shirtless-ness. He notices and raises an eyebrow, causing me to go red. Before I could do anything I get a bone crushing hug. "Get a whiff of that!" he laughs, keeping firm hold of me. I laugh along with him, savouring the embrace. Jinxx coughs and I jump back.

"Sorry, meet and greet thing going on in a bit..." he says apologetically. Andy seems to blush but I can't tell because of the lights. 

"I'm going to have to do it shirtless." 

"Not that they would mind," Jake says, rolling his eyes. They lead me outside where sure enough there are masses of screaming fans. Fair enough to all of them, the hugged and signed and took pictures with everyone. Even had a load of conversations with them. When every last fan had been satisfied - may I had this was like two hours later but the guys kept coming back to me, keeping me company and I had this conversation with a fan waiting for a picture. I think someone snapped a photo of me walking away, linked arms with Andy. I don't know why. 

"You liked?" Andy bends his head to see my face. 

"I loved," I say, not able to stop smiling. I look at the guys, "You were honestly amazing." They grin in return. They give me a lift back and the party is still in full swing. I grimace at the thought walking in on my own with the make up on. Andy must have noticed. 

"Do you want me to come in with you?" he asks, quietly so only I can hear. I nod in response. Andy Biersack inside my house. Holy shit. The van stops. 

"Guys, I'll meet you at the hotel," Andy says and pulls open the door. 

"Okay man," Jake shrugs. 

"See you later, Iris!" Ashley calls after me and the rest wave and shout their goodbyes. 

"I'll miss them," I comment, walking up the drive with Andy. 

"You'll see them again," he replies. I look up at him a raise an eyebrow. 

"Seriously? Why?"

"You thought this was a once off? No way, you ain't getting rid of us this easy." He smiles and holds open the already unlocked door. Pop music is still blaring and people dancing widely. Some give us 'What the fuck?' looks, others are too drunk to notice. 

"Iris?!" I can hear Crystal shout. Her voice is slurred, "What type of shit have you got on your face?" She smells strongly of alcohol. Andy is behind me, comfortingly. 

"It's not shit." 

Crystal peers up at Andy, "What the fuck happened to him? Looks like he was attacked by emos with coal." 

"Shut up, Crystal." I ignore the itching in my hand to slap her. Andy reaches out for my hand and pulls me to the side. 

"Nice meeting you, Crystal," Andy mutters and leads my upstairs. 

"God, I hate her!" I say, once we're alone. I kneel down on the floor and grab the key under the carpet and unlock my door. Andy - my dog - immediately jumps on me. Which causes me to topple over ontop of Andy so we both fall to the floor in a heap.

"Down Andy!" I say moving my face away from his tongue. 

"I am down," Andy says confused. 

"My dog," I explain and roll over and look at Andy - Biersack - apologetically and help pull him up. Andy - dog - is busy licking Andy's boots. 

"He likes you," I comment. 

"Andy likes Andy. Never heard that before." He grins. I then realize we're just  standing in the doorway of my room. I clear my throat. 

"Want to come in?" I gesture towards my room. 

"Sure." Andy steps in, along with Andy licking his hand. "I like your taste in posters," he comments, looking at my walls and sits down on my bed. I follow his lead. It's silent. 

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask, knowing the answer. 

"I know what you're thinking, and it's not for the pity." Oh, I don't know the answer, "You didn't scream when you found out who we were. You didn't go crazy fan girl even though you're a fan. You acted as if we were just friends and well, we like that. Hopefully you'd like to spend more time with us..." he says looking down. 

"I would. A lot. More than anything actually. If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly the most popular person in the world." 

"Well you're very popular with Black Veil Brides." 

I don't know how long we stayed like that but eventually my head began to droop towards Andy's shoulder and he lay down beside me, for the fact that I would have fallen if he hadn't. He tried to move and let me rest, but my hand found his and I managed to slur, "Don't go." Before I fell asleep. 

* * *

My wishes to Andy Biersack who crushed three ribs after falling 15ft at a concert a few nights ago. He got back up on stage and finished the show and did a meet and greet afterwards. I love this man <3

The Mortician's Daughter (Black Veil Brides) ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora