~chapter 7~

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~chapter 7~

Havent posted for while i think:-: haha anyway this is

chapter 7... hope you like it:)

I am hiding under the duvet, which is crisp and ironed and smells of washing powder,.

I should be happy, but I am not.

I don't belong here. My dreams shattered the minute I met amy, the minute harry styles turned away from me as if I didn't exist.

I had to grit my teeth and smile my way through the party, and I told about a million lies.

'Yes, I'm so excited to be here!'

'Yes, everyone's been so welcoming! I can't wait to get to know you all a bit better ...'

Surprise surprise, amy and harry didn't come anywhere near me all night. They wrapped their arms round each other and laughed and whispered until I felt so sick of them both I could have screamed.

I didn't, though. It wouldn't have been fair on mum and jack. I ate a slice of (y/n) Chocolate Cake and it was surprisingly good.

I kept smiling, even when my face felt frozen, and I kept saying the right things, the polite things, the positive things. I let tee and lia show me the small house behind the trees. I followed kacey down the steep path that leads down from the garden to a small beach, my feet sank into damp sand as I looked out across the ocean, beautiful, silent, still.

When it got dark, harry styles picked up the blue guitar and started to play, and, of course, mum fetched his fiddle from the minivan and the two of them played sad songs around the bonfire, under the stars. It was probably the best party I had ever been to, and the worst.

And then, at the end of the evening, when the guests had gone and we were walking back up to the house, they dropped the bombshell.

I would have to share a room. I've never done that before - our house may have been grey and scruffy, but it had at least two bedrooms. You'd think, in a house this big, you could get a bit of privacy ... but no. I am sharing a room.

Guess who I get to share with? Not tee, because she already shares with her twin, lia. Not kacey, because she has the box room and it's only just about big enough to fit in a single bed. And that leaves ... amy.


It was the turret room, of course, and amy was the princess. What did that make me? The servant-girl stepsister who got to sleep in the cinders?

amy must have known about the plan, but she looked even more disgusted than me at the whole idea of it. She locked herself in the bathroom for a late-night shower while I hauled a bag of clothes and my treasure box up the stairs, ditched them at the end of the bed and dived under the duvet in my T-shirt and knickers. I heard her swear under her breath when she came back in, but I wasn't sticking my head above that duvet, not for anyone.

Now, though, I have no choice. I cannot stay curled under a duvet for the rest of my life, although right now it seems very tempting. The turret bedroom is silent. Before that there was a flurry of huffing and sighing and drawers being opened and shut and the sound of things being sprayed and scooshed.

I think it's safe. I think amy is up and away.

I lift a corner of the duvet and peer out, and sure enough the coast is clear. I get up quickly, grab sky-blue jeans, a clean top and undies, and pad to the bathroom to wash. My face in the mirror looks sad and tired, my black fringe sticking up at an angle. I drag on my clothes and creep back across the landing.

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