~chapter 11~

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~chapter 11~

Hey sorry for the late update:-/ but yeah this is chapter 11 hope you enjoy it's and please vote, share and comment!!! xx.

On Friday evening, I am sitting at the kitchen table, writing my postcard for the woman next door back in Australia and pretending it's for a friend who is actually under sixty years old. I shield the card with my hand while jack dishes out plates of pasta and pesto with garlic bread.

'Where's amy?' he asks. 'I called her ten minutes ago!'

'I think she's in her room,' lia shrugs. 'She's turning into a hermit, lately.'

Settling in well, I write on the postcard. The house is beautiful and we are right by the beach, so I can swim whenever I want to. I am sleeping in a small house,. Everyone is really nice ...

Well, almost everyone is really nice. It's not a lie, exactly.

Already everything is fading into the past, along with ellie. Who needs ellie, anyway, when you've got amy? She goes straight in at number one in my top-ten list of Mean Girls I Have Known.

I sign my name and slip the postcard into a pocket to post next time I am down in the village.

'amy!' jack calls up the stairway. 'Tea's ready!'

he shakes his head and hands out plates of pasta.

'We might as well make a start,' he says. 'If we wait for her, it'll go cold ...'

A few minutes later amy slopes into the kitchen looking deathly pale, with blue shadows beneath her eyes and grey-tinged lips. She looks like a ghost-girl.

'Are you feeling OK?' mum asks, and amyy scowls.

'It's make-up,' she says. 'Obviously.'

'Looks like Halloween's come early,' jack sighs. 'What's the story, amy?'

'A few of us are going down to Georgia's (gorigia is amy's friend)to watch the Twilight DVDs,' amy says. 'We thought it'd be fun to dress up a bit.'

'OK,' jack says. 'Sounds good. Sit down, love, get your pasta while it's hot.'

amy curls her lip. 'We're having pizza at Georgia's,' she says carelessly. 'So I'll give this a miss, if that's OK. Don't wait up for me ...'

jack frowns. 'But ... you love pasta and pesto!' he argues. 'And I've made garlic bread specially, with cheese grated on, the way you like it ...'

'Too bad.'

mum and jack exchange glances, and then jack sighs, his shoulders slumping. 'Don't be too late then. Your curfew's eleven. And don't go scaring any small children!'

'As if,' amy huffs, stalking away with her black velvet dress swishing, slamming the door behind her.

'My sister, the vampire,' lia smirks.

'Bet she's meeting harry,' kacey adds. 'She might kiss him. I bet that's why she didn't want garlic bread.'

A piece of crust sticks in my throat and makes me cough, and mum has to pat me on the back and kacey fetches me a glass of water.

tee grins. 'Love at first bite ...'

I wake in the dark, my heart racing, with someone banging on the door. buster is growling, a low, angry rumble that flares into a yelping bark. For a moment, I can't work out where I am, or why, and then I remember and wish I hadn't, because I am on my own in the house in the middle of nowhere, with a growling, fluffy dog and an axe-murderer trying to get in.

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