~chapter 8~

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~chapter 8~

Heyy guys:) this chapter 8 hope You enjoy it comment and vote please and sorry for the spelling mistakes:) x

As fallouts go, it is pretty spectacular.

My locket and my photos flutters like a banner from the tree near the window, and my locket is perched in its branches like a rare and exotic bird. The photos lies on the grass, lifting slightly in the breeze, and the framed photo of my dad lies face down on the gravel.

Mum and Jack stand on the driveway, arms folded, faces stern.

'Amy?' Jack shouts up at the turret window. '(Y/n)? What is going on? Come down here right now!'

Amy flings me a look of total disgust, and flounces down the stairs and out into the sunshine, leaving me to trail along, stunned, in her wake.

'Do you have an explanation?'Jack asks as the two of us emerge on to the gravel driveway. 'Amy? Is this something to do with you?'

'As if,' she says carelessly, and I want to slap her. 'The box must have fallen off the window sill.'

'(Y/n)?' Jack looks at me, frowning. 'That's not what happened, surely?'

I glance at Amy, and her eyebrows flicker upwards, daring me to drop her in it.

'Must have been,' I shrug.

'Have you two argued?' Mum demands. 'Is there something going on here?'

'Like what?' Amy asks, all innocence.

'It's nothing, Mum,' I tell her, and watch the anxiety fade from her eyes as she exchanges glances with jack.

'Well ... just be more careful, next time,' Jack tells Amy. 'You have to respect other people's possessions when you're sharing a room ...'

Amy rolls her eyes. 'I don't want to share a room,' she whines. 'Dad, please ... it's nothing against (y/n), obviously, but ... well, we're teenagers! We need our space!'

'Amy, sweetheart, it's not that simple ...'

Kacey climbs into the tree to rescue the Photos and Tee tugs at the hem of my locket until it falls into hands. Lia also picks up the photos. I reach down to get the framed photo, wincing as I see the broken glass.

'I'll get you another frame,'mum promises, and packs the cardboard box up carefully and carries it back inside.

Jack takes Amy in too, still arguing that she needs her own room, and it really isn't fair to make her share, not when she is trying so hard already to adjust. Nobody asks what I think, but then, I am the outsider here, aren't I?

'Don't take it personally,' Lia says. 'Amy is very possessive about her room. Maybe you could share with us?'

'It'd be a bit of a squash,' Tee considers. 'But we wouldn't mind.'

'I don't want to cause any trouble,' I say.

'You won't! Take no notice of Amy, really,'kacey says. 'She's just a bit ... well, moody, these days. It's best to ignore her.'

'Dad says she's going through a phase,'tee shrugs. 'A very long phase.'

'She's very sensitive,' Lia says. 'She's still getting over our mum leaving.'

'I wish she'd hurry up then,' Tee huffs. 'She's been gone three years.'

I try for a smile. Three out of four sisters seem to like me ... that's something, I guess.

'I love that locket, (y/n),' Tee is saying. 'Where did you get it?'

'It was dads,' I say softly, and the three girls open their eyes wide. I have their interest now, and their sympathy. 'That and the photo and... well, they're all I have left of him.'

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