~chater 13~

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~chapter 13~

HEYY guys:) sorry for the late late update:) heres chaper 12 enjoy, and please comment share and vote:D

lia has a ballet lesson in Minehead on Friday, and jack takes tee and me to do a supermarket shop while she's there. We drive past the high school I will be going to in September.

'It's a friendly place,' jack says. 'And besides, amy will look out for you.'

tee looks at me and pulls a face.

'Er ... right ...' I mumble, but my heart sinks. tee, lia and kacey are still at middle school, of course. Just how will amy look out for me, I wonder? By throwing my school books out of a top-floor window, my gym kit into a tree? That's something to look forward to.

Once lia has finished her lesson, jack takes us down to the seafront so we can walk along the sand, and he buys us all ice creams by the beach.

For a little while, eating ice cream with jack, lia and tee, watching, I forget about jigsaw pieces. I just relax and enjoy the sun on my face, the swish of cool water around my bare feet. lia and tee link my arms on either side and it feels good.

When we get back, laden down with shopping, the kitchen looks like it has been burgled, vandalized and ransacked by a gang of maniacs. Dirty pans, dishes and trays are piled up in the sink, the dishwasher is chugging along full blast and mum is scrubbing down the kitchen table. There is a strange, spicy aroma in the air, like chicken korma gone horribly wrong.

'Curry for tea?' jack asks.

'Ah ... no,' mum admits. 'I've been experimenting with the cupcakes flavours again. I've seen chilli chocolate out there, and I'm a big fan of Indian food -'

'Noooo,' I groan. 'Curry truffles? Seriously?'

'It may not be one of my better ideas,' mum shrugs. 'Don't worry, though, I've tried a few other experiments as well ... I've made six new flavours. I thought we could have a taste test, see which ones you all like!'

jack looks around at the kitchen carnage, slightly shell-shocked.

'Lovely,' she says. 'Um ... how often are you planning on making these chocolate experiments, nicole? I'm not sure my nerves can take it.'

mum looks crestfallen. 'I know the kitchen table isn't the best place for a chocolate business,' she admits. 'But I have some other ideas. Lots of ideas, actually. Now we've had a chance to settle in a bit, and everything is going so well, I thought perhaps we could make some plans? If we are really going to do this ... well, we need to talk, get organized.'

jack sinks down into an ancient armchair by the Aga.

'Sounds like time for a family meeting,' he sighs.

'Good idea!' mum agrees. 'This will affect everyone. It's a family business.'

'Sounds serious,' jack says.

'Very,' mum agrees.

None of us has the heart to tell her she has chocolate smeared across her nose.


By the time tee has tracked down kacey, lia has unpacked the shopping and stacked it away, mum and I have washed up the chocolate-caked pans and bowls, and the kitchen is looking a little less like the aftermath of a world war.

jack pours cool fruit juices and mum sets out plates of truffles along the centre of the table for us to taste. 'No sign of amy?' jack frowns. 'If this is a family meeting, she should be here too ...'

'She was down at the beach,' tee says. 'I told her to come up to the house, but she didn't seem too keen ...'

jack and mum exchange a look. 'Well,' mum says. 'Not to worry. We can always save some truffles for her to try later.'

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