~chapter 15~

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~chapter 15~

Sorry for the long update:) but enjoy:)

After the chocolate discussion and the noise war and Harrys hasty exit, the rest of us head for the squashy sofas in the living room and Jack puts on a DVD of a film called Chocolat. 'You'll like it,' he tells me. 'Trust me ... just grab yourself a bit of sofa and settle in ...'

The sofas are huge, like soft velvet islands arranged round a shaggy cream-coloured rug. When you sit down you just sink into them, like you're sitting on a cloud. They are a long way from the sagging brown corduroy sofa back at home. Mum and Jack snuggle up together on one, me,tee and Lia on the other. Kacey stretches out on the rug, with Fluffy beside her.

Shoes are not allowed, of course, but we put our feet up and curl up, and as the film wears on Tee slumps back until she is leaning against her twin, her legs stretched out in my lap. We are a jumble of limbs, a lazy, comfortable, sisterly heap. It makes me smile.

As for the DVD, it's awesome. It's about a mysterious mother and daughter who turn up unexpectedly in this crazy French village and start turning everything upside down with their little chocolate shop. There are river gypsies and chocolate festivals and friendship and feuds and magic, and it makes me believe that we can have a chocolate/bakery business,

'We could have a chocolate festival too,' I say. 'For that Food Trail day.'

Jack raises an eyebrow. 'We could,'he agrees. 'We really could. It's a very, very good idea!'

'Genius,' Mum blinks.

'The garden would be perfect for it,' Lia says. 'We could have stalls and games and chocolate-tasting and live music entertainment ...'

'We can all help,' Kacey offers.

'Spread the word!' says tee. 'And weave a little magic.'

Sounds good to me.


I walk down to the caravan later, Fluffy at my side. I breathe in the darkness, the cool air folding itself around me like a promise. Silence drips from the treetops like rain, and the fairy lights twinkle and glint, and Fluffy runs ahead, chasing imaginary rabbits, sniffing through the undergrowth.

I can see the caravan, a dark, curving silhouette beneath the trees, and then a soft guitar chord breaks the silence and I just about jump out of my skin.

A curly haired boy is sitting on the caravan steps, grinning.

'Harry!' I yelp. 'What are you doing? Ambushing me and scaring me half to death ...'

Harry styles is easily the most confusing boy I have ever met. When I am with him, my emotions are all over the place ... irritation, anger, jealousy ... and a whole bunch of other things I daren't even admit to.

'How am I ambushing you?' he asks. 'I was just taking a rest on my way home ...'

'Yeah, right.'

He looks guilty. 'Well, OK, I was waiting for you, but that's not an ambush, is it? I wanted to talk.'

'Good plan,' I say. 'We chat away while your plate-smashing, ear-mangling girlfriend trashes the house and plots how best to strangle me with her bare hands ...'


'Oh, never mind,' I sigh. 'Look, you shouldn't be here.'

'Where should I be?' Harry asks.

'Somewhere else,' I say. 'Anywhere else.'

He grins. 'I'm flexible. We could go to the beach, if you like. Paddle in the ocean, watch the stars. But we had a deal, you were telling me your story, I was playing you my songs -'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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