~chapter 12~

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~chapter 12~

Heyy guys, I'm really really sorry for the late update!! And thank you so much for voting, commenting and of course for reading it haha:-) this chapter 12.. Enjoy..

sleep late, and when I wake my lashes are damp with tears. The past is a dangerous place. You can go there in a story, make it seem softer, sweeter, than it really was ... but then you sleep and the truth seeps out without you even knowing, and you wake up feeling sour.

I have a lazy breakfast of chocolate and banana, and pad across to the hammock with Fluffy, her in my arms. As the hammock sways, fluffy gives me a dark, reproachful look. Perhaps shes seasick?

I lower the her down into the long grass and gaze down at her with a sigh.

Fluffy and I go back a long way.

I found her on a fairground when I was seven years old, flinging, I was trying to win this huge pink teddy bear with a red satin bow, but I didn't stand a chance until I saw her.

When I saw fluffy, I forgot all about the pink teddy bear.

Mum chose the name, of course. She said Fluffy was a great name for a pet, and that maybe we could train her to fetch sticks and guard the flat for us, and it took me a little while to realize she was joking about that. Ellie put me straight, there, of course.

I fed her every day, and Fluffy would stop whatever she was doing and fly up to the surface in a split second to eat.

I had a library book on looking after cats. I took it very seriously.

It sounds crazy, but I used to tell Fluffy everything. But it was safe to spill my secrets, either way, and if I sometimes got sad, then that was OK too.

'Harry styles is bad news,' I tell Fluffy now, in a whisper. 'He is off-limits.'

Fluffy flicks his tail.

'He belongs to someone else. Someone who hates me ...'

'But ... I can't stop thinking about him. I really like him. Is that wrong?'

I let myself roll out of the hammock into the long grass. I don't kid myself any more, and besides, there is no future in falling for a boy like Harry styles, no future at all. The thing about a crush is that it's all one-sided. Harry probably just feels sorry for me, and even the novelty of that will wear off because I am only ever mean and horrible to him. Besides, he already has a girlfriend who is about a hundred times prettier than me.

As for sitting under the trees with Harry styles, that was most definitely a bad, bad idea. He might think we are friends, but I am not so sure. Friendship isn't exactly what I feel when I think of Harry.

I don't think Amy would get it, either ... if she knew about last night she would probably strangle me with her bare hands. And what would tee, lea and Kacey say if they knew? Or mum and Jack? I can't kid myself they would understand. Some things are just plain wrong, and hanging out after dark with your stepsister's boyfriend has got to be one of them.

I will walk down to the village and post my card to The woman next door, then come back and do everything I can to make the things I have written come true.

There will be no more late-night stories, I promise myself. I have to stop this friendship now, before it messes everything up.

Fluffy stares at me, giving nothing away. That's the problem with telling your troubles to a Cats.

'What are you doing?' a voice calls, and I sit up, brushing grass from my hair.


Kacey flops down into the hammock beside me, and waves at Buster.'Do you talk to her?' she wants to know.

'Of course not,' I lie. 'She's a cat! What would be the point?'

Kacey shrugs. 'Cats have feelings too,' she says.

I peer at Fluffy. I was exactly like her, not so long ago ... stuck in my own little world. Now everything has changed for me. My world has opened out, filled up with challenges and complications and possibilities. It's scary, sure, but I plan to give it my best shot.

Follow me on twitter @98storymaker for updates:)


my crush harry styles:)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora