~chapter 10~

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~chapter 10~ helllooo so this is cheater 10 enjoy!! Comment, vote and share please:-) xx

~chapter 10~

The week unfolds, and slowly I get used to the small house, used to homes chapel. I wake early, when the sun streams through the curtains.

By nine I am usually up at the house, washed and dressed and eating breakfast of toast and marmalade with tee, Lia and Kacey, while mum and Jack run around the bakery shop. It is always kind of frantic, and one of the sisters is always pressed into service as serving the customers at the tills.

Amy never appears for breakfast, which suits me just fine, and for the first few days I just hang around with Tee and Lia and Kacey. We help Jack make cakes, and it's fun because we are all doing it together, singing to the radio.

Later, we laze in the garden, sunbathing, reading, talking, and again, amy never joins us. Sometimes she goes out to see friends in the village, but mostly she stays in her room.

Often, when I look up at the turret room, the little arched window is open, and I can just see Amy, sitting on the window seat with a sketchbook on her lap, her long hair lifting softly on the breeze.

Jack finds a hammock in the attic while he's sorting out a space for Mums stuff, and we string it up between two trees and take it in turns lying in the shade, trailing a hand through the grass.

Kacey grins. 'I'm glad you're here,' she says, and I'm glad too.

Midweek, Tee takes me on a guided tour. We walk down from the house, along the twisty, narrow lane that winds through the wooded hillside and dips down at last towards the village. It is the kind of village I didn't think existed outside storybooks, with an old-fashioned baker's shop and a butcher's and a deli and a greengrocer's, as well as a supermarket and a newsagent and a whole bunch of cafes, pubs and B&Bs.

'It's a real tourist place,' Tee explains. 'But it's cool too.'

Tee is still wearing her velvet hat, and yet another jumble-sale dress, but nobody gives her a second glance, so I am guessing this is her usual style.

'That's the bookshop,' Tee chats on. 'And that's the hardware store - the old guy who runs it still sells tin buckets and fly papers and brushes to sweep a chimney with. It's really mad. And that's the post office, if you want to get some postcards for your friends.'

'Oh ... maybe,' I say. 'I've been meaning to do that ...'

Inside, I grab a couple of postcards of thatched cottages, to keep Tee quiet.

'Hello, Tee the lady behind the counter beams. 'Enjoying the school holidays?'

'Yes, Mrs Lee,' Tee says.

'And who is your lovely friend?' the woman continues, smiling at me. 'Not local, I think. And perhaps more than a friend - family, maybe? Although I must say you don't really look alike ...'

The woman peers at me, frowning. She flicks back her dark wavy hair, and her silver hoop earrings jangle.

Tee laughs. 'Mrs Lee has gypsy blood,' she tells me. 'She can see things ...'

I feel myself shrink away, like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar, but Tee doesn't notice. 'You're right, as usual, Mrs Lee,' she says. 'This is (y/n) my new stepsister. Well, kind of. She and her mum, have just come to live here. Isn't that cool?'

I hand over the thatched cottage postcards and Mrs Lee takes them, flipping my hand over gently to see the palm. 'A girl at the crossroads,' she says. 'A new family, truth and lies, a make-or-break time ... difficult choices, (y/n).'

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