Chapter Twelve

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I come face to face with bloodshot eyes and messy hair.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks me, keeping a strong hold on my wrist as he holds me.

"I- I don't know" I say almost below a whisper, "I'll go".

"No, stay" He pulls me towards him and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I've missed you" He breathes into my face and I immediately pull back when I smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Are you serious?" I ask him in disbelief. "Why the hell are you drunk at a time like this?"

"At a time like what? It's called celebrating, kitten" He has the audacity to say.

I squeeze my eyes closed and regret coming here. I came all the way here to see if he meant what he said to me, or if he just thought it was a sick joke, not to have to handle some drunk.

"You know what? This was a bad idea" I say, pulling out of his grasp and turning to walk away from him.

"Why Beth? Why was it a bad idea? Just come inside with me and we can talk?" He holds out his arm for me and I feel hopeless standing in front of him.

"I don't really feel like having a conversation with someone who's drunk and unaware of what's happening around them".

His face falls and he rolls his eyes. "I'm not that drunk. Just come inside? Please?"

Sighing and looking behind me at the street, I nod. "Okay".

He takes hold of my hand, such an unfamiliar feeling to me, and pulls me into his house softly. He closes the door behind me and then rests his hand at the small of my back, leading me.
His house is full of boxes, all full of his wif- well, ex- wife's belongings I assume and looks quite neat.
I place my suitcase down where he motions for me to and then sit down on the couch next to him hesitantly.

"Want a drink?" He holds a beer out to me and I decline, shaking my head. "Suit yourself".

"Harry I didn't come here to play games with you, I actually want to get a lot of things sorted out and understood between the two of us" I tell him with a brave voice. I don't know where all this confidence has come from or why I haven't broken down in tears yet, but it's a good feeling.

The feeling of being able to control my emotions and not let him get the best of me.

"What's there to talk about?" He leans back on the couch and my eyes run over his slump body. Tight jeans hug his skinny legs and he's wearing a plain black t shirt that looks tight around his tattooed biceps. "Hello?"

I snap out of my staring and clear my throat. "You know exactly what we have to talk about. I want to know why you don't even look after my daughter when you were the one who took her-"

"Our daughter" He corrects me, making my stomach turn in ways unimaginable.

I clear my throat. "You weren't even there to raise her-"

"Neither were you" He points out, interrupting me again. "What did Daniella say again? That you were her Aunty?"

I open my mouth to respond but close it again when I realise that he's right.

"Don't throw that in my face. At least I was in her life and at least she likes me" I tell him, causing his calm features to rest into a stern frown.

"Moving on" He changes the subject, taking another sip of his beer.

"Why don't you even look after our daughter when you took her from me?" I try to stay as stable as possible without completely losing it in front of him and to say I'm proud of myself would be an understatement.

He gives me a flat look before sighing. "I already told you Bethany. You can't handle her yourself".

"Oh and you can?! I heard your wife has been cheating on you! Who's gonna help you with Bennie?"

He exhales through his nostrils. "Don't try my patience, Beth. We have an agreement with each other about what's going on with who he's staying with".

"Why did you leave me, Harry?" I ask him softly, looking at my lap.

He lets out a loud sigh. "I don't know".

"And why did you tell me you love me over the phone? Did you mean that or did you just say it because you were bored with yourself and wanted a bit of a laugh?"

I look at him to see him frowning at me. "Why do you assume that I like making fun of you all the time?"

"Because you do" I spit out, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No I don't. We haven't spoken in ages and you presume that I hate you? You did nothing wrong for me to hate you" He says roughly, and my eyes start getting watery. "What did I say?"

"Nothing. This is just the longest conversation we've had in forever" I sniffle, pressing my lips together.

He shifts uncomfortably and sighs. "Yeah. How was the pregnancy?"


"With Daniella" He finishes, sipping his beer again.

"Oh it was good. I had lots of support from my friends" I say, running my hand over my stomach as I used to when I actually had a baby in there.

Harry's baby.

"That's good. Had any boyfriends? Girlfriends? Relationships?"

I let out a soft laugh. "I'm straight. You should know that".

He chuckles, giving me a small smile. "Yeah, I know I was only messing with you. Well, have you?"

"Yeah" I say.

"Oh really?" He places his spare arm behind his head, studying my face. "Love him?"

"No. I don't think so. Could you expect me to?" I look at him and he just shrugs.

"You should have moved on".

"But I didn't" I fiddle with my hands in my lap and freeze when I feel Harry's large hand grab my chin, pulling me to face him.


"How could I? You took out the only definition of love I had and then never gave it back" I admit. I don't even care if he laughs at me anymore. I'm just enjoying sitting here with him and having an honest conversation with him.
None of that matters anymore.

My breathing hitches in my throat when Harry's fingers tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Do you still love me?" He asks softly and I squeeze my eyes closed, ready for him to roll off the couch laughing at me.

"Yes Harry. I never stopped".

Then without warning, Harry connects his lips with mine for the first time in three years, dragging tears from my eyes.
He moves to straddle me on his couch, never disconnecting our mouths.

"Beth" He breathes out, and at that moment, all my broken heart mends together all at once.

I love Harry Styles.

Anyway, once again, this is Emily continuing this story for Seher :) hope you's enjoyed this update xoxox
Xx-em <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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