Chapter Eight

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I don't want to play this game no more

I don't wanna play it

I don't want to stay

'Round here no more

I don't wanna stay here

Like rain on a Monday morning

Like pain that just keeps on going on

Look at all the hate

They keep on showing

I don't want to see that

Look at all the stones

They keep on throwing

I don't want to feel that

Like Sun that will keep on burning

I used to be so discerning

In my recovery

~Recovery, James Arthur.


"Bethany, A-are you alright?" Ashton comes to comfort my shaking body.

"I-I. H-he-" No words are able to form from my mouth.

"Who? What happened?" He says, lowering down to pick up my now shattered phone.

"Hello? Bethany? Are you there?" I could still here his voice from the other line.

"Hello?" Ashton says into the phone. It probably wasn't the best idea, but I'm to busy having a heart attack currently.

"Give the damn phone to Bethany." His angry voice speaks. Ashton looks at me and I nod my head, letting the tears fall.

I don't know why I'm crying, it's just happening. I try to calm my breathing before I pass out from the sudden pressure.

"I-I-no." I say to Ashton. I slowly back away, wanting to get away from all the stress, and problems that have been going on throughout my entire life.

"Bethany-wait!" Ashton calls out as I run away from everything. The world seems to be crashing down in a way I never really imagined.

I run. I run away from everything. I can't handle anything right now. Who the hell does he think he is? First taking my daughter away from me, then telling me he loves me.

I stop to take a breath. I slide down against the old oak tree, burying my head in my hands. I cry out. I cry because I don't know what to do anymore. I cry because I feel like this isn't realistic. I cry because I feel like I'm stuck in the middle between heaven and hell, and don't know what to do anymore.

I just need to escape somewhere, where nobody can find me. I can peacefully live my life and not have a care in the world.

I get up and start walking towards my home. I know I'll probably get there by 1pm, mainly because in a car it takes an hour, so walking would take double.

I'm leaving this dreadful place and living my life how I imagined it to be. I'm leaving and never coming back.

It takes two hours and a half for me to reach my parents home. I pick up the gnome and grab the spare key.

I go straight to my bedroom and grab the main necessities I'll need. Next I go into my parents bedroom and go straight to a safe the kept hidden.

This is one of the times I'm glad I know the passcode to the safe. I grab a couple thousand dollars and decide to write a note as to why I'm leaving.

Dear mom and dad,

I'm sorry for everything. I can't be here anymore. I just need an escape to recover from all the hurt I've been through. I don't know if I'm ever coming back. I just- I can't live like this anymore. I'm sorry for taking money, but I'll pay it back as soon as I can. Please don't try to contact me, I love you guys.

Xoxo~ Beth.

And that was it. I'm leaving. But I never imagined myself going where I am.

I'm going to England to solve this entire mess.

Unedited don't kill me.



Guys I'm so thankful for everything! I'm thankful for my family-even though we fight like everyday- im thankful for my friends, my clothes, the wonderful food I have, a roof over my head, and most of all I'm thankful for YOU guys!!

I would have never made it this far if it wasn't for you guys! Honestly I have 67k on Dominance 2k votes and over 1k on this story and 200+ votes and it's only the 8th chapter like what the hell?

I love you guys so much!!! With out your help I would have never made it this far!!

You made my dreams come true!! Ily!!

I know probably half of you guys don't even read these because I make them so damn long but it's because I feel like I can tell you guys everything and you won't care!!!

QOTD: What are you thankful for!?

To my Canadian readers if there are any: HAPPY LATE THANKSGIVING!!

Bethany is perfect and even though she didn't win she made us very very very proud!!!

I accidentally deleted the authors note so I had to rewrite it and I think I forgot some things lol.

Thanks for reading!



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