Chapter two.

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I had a dream the other night

About how we only get one life

Woke me up right after two

Stayed awake and stared at you

So I wouldn't lose my mind

An I had the week that came from hell

And yes I know

That you could tell

But your like the net under the ledge

When I go flying off the edge

You go flying off as well

And if you only die once

I wanna die with you

~Something I Need, One Republic


"Hey I was thinking about taking Daniella to the park soon." I tell Daniel, as he descends down the stairs, into the kitchen.

"That's fine. I was going to go out to town and get a few things." Daniel tells me. He says goodbye and as I make Dani breakfast.

"Do you want to go to the park later!?" I ask my 2 year old daughter. Her face lights as she eats her breakfast. She nods gladly, as I start to clean up the kitchen.

"Ready?" I ask Daniella grabbing her coat from the coat rack. I help her with her zipper as well as shoes.

Her short curly hair falls around her shoulders. She defiantly has Harry's hair, but my brown eyes.

I smile to myself as we make our walk towards the park. The wind blows in my face as I look around the area. The snow pushes against my feet as I stare ahead of me.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle." A young French man around the park block greets me.

"Bonjour Monsieur." I greet him politely as Dani goes out to play.

"Comment tu t'appelle?"

"Je M'appelle Bethany. Et toi?"

"Je M'appelle Jay" He responds in a French accent.

"Jay" I repeat quietly to myself.

"I might say. Your French is wonderful. Bien Vu." He shocks me with a fluent English accent.

"Merci. I'm guessing your not really French are you?" I laugh and he joins along.

"Non. Je suis américain." He says.

"Oui. So where did you learn French from?" I ask him.

"Took it all through high school, as well as collage Mademoiselle. What about you? Your defiantly not from France." He says.

"I learned French elementary through high school. I went on a trip to Paris, about 5 years back." I tell him, watching Dani play in the snow, with a friend. A boy friend?

"Hey-um. I'll see you later yeah?" I say as I get ready to see what's up with Dani.

"Wait! Can I get your number?" He grabs my arm, stopping me from leaving.

"Oh-uh sure." I say.

We quickly exchange numbers and soon enough I walk up to Daniella so see her still with the same boy.

"Dani, who's this?" I ask her, bending down to her height level.

"Tis is Ben! Ben, Tis is my auntieeee!" The small boy turns and his green eyes bore into mine. His features, are-are-resemble Harry's. No it can't be possible. Can it?

"Bennie! Where are you?" The same rough voice rings through my ears. My heart stops in my stomach as I quickly pick up Dani.

"We need to go. Bennie go back to your father." I start to walk back towards the house as fast as possible.

I'm not ready to be faced with the person who broke my heart 3 years ago.



Fuck this is short and unedited.

Oops, second story and still haven't fixed that error.

But hey it's like 11 at night it's a school night and I'm tired af.

Wanna hear a joke?

Me: You need some les chaussures.

Sarah: Wait isn't that deodorant?

Me: You took up to French 2b and you don't know what that is.

No? okay. I thought it was funny.

QOTD: Do you guys read this story because Bethany is in it? Would you mind if I changed her name?

I don't want her to be displayed as the character, because her persona doesn't really match. Would you guys care if I changed her?


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