Chapter Ten

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror

Why am I doing this to myself

Losing my mind on a tiny error

I nearly left the real me on the shelf

No, no, no, no, no

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars

Seeing is deceiving

Dreaming is believing

It's okay not to be okay

Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart

Tears don't mean you're losing

Everybody's bruising

Just be true to who you are

~Who you are, Jessie J.


"So- you went through hell and back, yet you still love him!?" Brenden says.

"I can't help it. There's just something about him that appeals to me." I fight back.

"Wait, so after all that, does he still love you?" He asks.

"Well I received a phone call from him. He-he called me and told me that he loved me." My voice changes. I don't know how, but it just changes.

"I don't know what plan he has, all I know is that I'm going to England to fix this and get my daughter back." I whisper the last part mostly to myself.

"Daughter?" He catches on. Damn it.

"I know I told you how I had a daughter, but a few weeks ago we had a court date set. He wanted her. He missed out on her first steps and everything! He wasn't there for her at anytime. Can you believe that." I pull my hair in frustration.

"That little fucker." Brenden says.

"Flight 26B to England landing in 20 minutes. Please fasten you seat belts, as we prepare to land. Thank You end enjoy the rest of your flight." The intercom lady interrupts our very important conversation.

"I'm so excited. I can't wait to see my girlfriend. Soon fiancé. I hope all goes well with you and your man." He says and I nod.

"I hope your girlfriend says yes! I'll be waiting for the wedding invitation. " I laugh and he joins along.

"Don't worry. I'll save a special seat for you." He jokes and I laugh.

~20 minutes later~

"Well I hope I see you soon!" Brenden says as he gives me a hug goodbye.

"Me too! Good luck with your proposal." I tell out as we start walking out different directions.

Now all I have to do is find Harry. He could be anywhere- in all of England. Oh sh*t.
I did not think this through.


This update was very very very bad and SUPER short.
I haven't updated in a while! I'm so sorry! I will have another spectacular update which will have drama and hell.
Merry late Christmas?
So sorry! I feel like shit even posting this but I want you to be happy I updated! I love you guys! I WILL update before 2014 ends. Just saying!

QOTD: Hethany or Nethany...?


Louis 23 yup you can shoot me.

Thanks for reading!


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