Chapter five

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Looking at it now
It all seems to simple
We were lying on your couch
I remember
You took a Polaroid of us
Then discovered
The rest of the world
Was black and white
But we were screaming in color
And I remember thinking
~Out of the Woods, Taylor Swift
5 weeks later
It's been five weeks since I last saw Harry. I can't help, but still hold feelings for him.
But in other news besides him, Rosa and Mitchell were suppose to back back one week ago. They haven't answered their phones either. I'm starting to worry. I mean you go on a cruise. You haven't showed up, a week after the cruise was suppose to end.
I hear the door open, and see Daniel walk through, a frown playing on his lips. I can tell bad news is coming towards my way.
"Bethany, You know that cruise Rosa and Mitchell went on?" Daniel starts, leading me to the living room couch.
"Yeah. Why? What happened?" Panic arises throughout me.
"That.. that cruise was on the news those morning. It-It has some sort of malfunction and sunk." My heart falls to my stomach.
"No-No. This can't be. They sur-survived right?" I say, even though I know the chances of them surviving was slim, very slim.
"No! God damn it Daniel, They had to have survived! What about Daniella!?" I abruptly stand up, pacing back and forth.
"Bethany lis-"
"Daniel! I-I-"
"God damn it Bethany listen to me for once! God can you shut up for even five seconds!" Daniel screams.
"They died. D. I. E. D. Died. Okay? I'm as worried as you are. But you need to listen. And once your ready to listen I'll be waiting." He harshly says and leaves slamming the door shut.
I drop my weight in the couch and stare into nothingness. My life just shattered beyond my extinct. No tears fall, just the emotionless life that lays in my future.
What future have I got really. After Harry left, I've tried to hide the emotions I've had. I've had nothing left to care for besides my daughter. And she doesn't even know I'm her mother. What kind of mother leaves a child. What kind of person falls in love with someone then breaks up and goes and "loves" another man. What kind of person am I?
I need to fix what happened three years ago. I still love him. I admit it, I still love Harry after all he has put me through. But how can I not? He's the father of my child. And I wonder if he truly believes that.
I hate him so damn much, but I love him more than I love myself. I'm stuck in the middle and have no clue what to do with my life anymore.
***1 month later***
"What makes you think your getting custody of Daniella? You haven't been there for her ever Harry! I will fight 'till I die to make sure I get custody over her." I spat. There's no way the man standing in front of me is getting custody.
"Bethany, your not stable. I can't leave Daniella with you. You getting drunk off your arse everyday is not a healthy habitat for her. Especially at such a young age." Harry argues, which only makes my blood boil.
"God damn it Harry! I am perfectly stable. You will not steal the only good thing I have left in my life." I cry out. Daniel leaving me has only caused a patch to fuse out.
"We will see this afternoon Bethany. I will see you then." He says and leaves me in the room alone. If I lose Daniella, I will have no one in not life left.
A few hours later, the court case begins. This is my only chance to keep the one good thing in life.
"All rise for the judge." The person says, as everybody stands up.
Moments later we all take a seat and the moment I dread has come once again.
"Sir, May we bring Bethany to the stands?" Harry's lawyer asks and the judge agrees.
I hesitantly walk towards the stands and take a seat. I take oath for every word I say. Let the interrogation begin.
"Bethany, what day did you leave Harry?"
"I didn't leave him, he left me while I was pregnant." I state.
"Okay, so when did he leave you?" He asks.
"I don't remember the exact date.,bAll I know that it was three years ago." I say.
"When is your daughters, Daniella, birthday?"
"She was born on February 2nd, 2021." I say.
"Why did you let her get adopted?"
"I was 18, I didn't have anything that she needed at that age. She was better off with a good family that was in need of a child."
"So your telling me, you sent her away, without the fathers content? And you also told him that he will never see the child, nor will he ever even know the name!" The lawyers powerful voice rings through the courthouse.
"Object!" My lawyer stands up.
"Overruled, continue." The judge says, letting me down.
"Was that statement true or not."
"It was true."
"Also, you started using drugs, and would get drunk every single night since not only because of the adoptees dying, but also because Harry left you for his wife in England. Is that true?" I can see the state of shock on Harry's face when he here's what I've done. It was a tough time when he left. I was closer to suicide than anybody else really.
"Yes." I whisper, barley audible.
"It's true." I finish off.
The lawyer looks to the judge and nods his head, indicating that he's finished.
I get up and walk back to my seat. This was a bad idea from the start. Harry was right, I should have never even bothered. He was going to win anyways.
"I would like to bring Mr. Styles in the chair please." My lawyer stands up.
"Mr. Styles, you left Mrs. Mota after you found out she was pregnant right?"
"Yes. I did." He calmly replies.
"You proposed to her as well. Right?"
"I did." He says.
"Why did you propose to her if you were only going to leave her in the end?"
"I wanted her to be happy for once in her life." My blood boils.
"That's a f*cking lie! You were the one who would always abuse me! I was depressed because I loved you and you didn't care. You killed so many people, Daniella is better off than me than you! You lead me to all of this-" I get cut off by the security people gripping into my arms.
I cry and scream, this wasn't suppose to happen. None of this was suppose to happen. All of it came crashing down more than it did before.
I sit in the room for 20 minutes that Sierra, my lawyer, comes up with Daniella. My eyes lite up with tears as a relief of happiness comes to me.
"Mommy! I wuv you so much." She cries out to me.
"I don't want to go wid him!" My heart falls. I lost the one good thing in my life I had. I won't be there to see my daughter grow up, go to her first day of pre-school, get her first crush, her first boyfriend, her first breakup, who knows, maybe I won't be there for her graduation either.
"It's alright baby. I'll come visit you. I promise." Tears run down my face, knowing what I said will never happen in reality.
"Let's go." I say to her, picking her up in my arms knowing it's the last time ever.
Her tears fall onto my shirt, and I want to tell her all will be fine, but how can I when I know it won't.
We make our way outside and I see Harry, his wife, and son waiting. I walk down the stairs, still holding Daniella.
"Can we have a minute." Harry tells his wife and son. They both leave, leaving Daniella, Harry, and myself. It reminds me as if he would've never left it would be us three going to movies together, theme parks, Disney land, and so many other places.
"Bethany, You can still come see her, your just not read-"
"Harry, it's bad enough that you left, but now you've take that one special thing I have in life. You haven't been there for the past 3 years for her and now all of a sudden you do?" I cry. Daniella clings my shirt tighter.
"Imagine if it was us three. Together as a family that we were suppose to be. But I guess something's were never meant to be y'know." Tears fall down my face.
"I hope when Daniella's older, she doesn't end up with a guy that treats her like you treated me. She deserves so much better." I say, drying my eyes.
"Daniella, go to your daddy." I tell her. She doesn't let go of me. Only nuzzles her head closer to me.
"Give us a minute." My voice croaks out. He nods leaving to go with his perfect family.
I get down to my knees letting Daniella down. I'm still a bit taller than her, but who cares right now.
"Ella bear" I start by calling her the nickname I made for her a year ago.
"Ella, You know mommy loves you right?" Tears fall down her face, and soon enough mine start back up again.

"I-I know mommy." She cries hugging me again.

"Let's go. Daddy's waiting." I say. She hold onto my hand tightly, as if she never wants to let go.

"Come on darling." Harry says reaching out to Daniella. I give her one last hug, and a last kiss on the forehead.

I let go of her hand as Harry picks her up. She cries and screams, as Harry tries to calm her down. But he's won again. He's taken another special meaning to me. But one thing he doesn't know is;
Never take a child from her mother.
Omg! I didn't know whether or not to leave you with a cliffhanger or put in the court thing. So I just put it in the cause I'm nice.
Now I do not know how to write like court things cause I'm not really looking to be a lawyer or anything.
Sorry ha.
Harry is so mean. Like seriously.
OMG LIVESTREAM TODAY IM FREAKING OUT BECAYSE ITS AT 11:30 am and it's only 8:25 am right now! I can't wait!!!
Guys I deleted innocent because..
I'm starting my first story that I'm like serious serious serious about!! It's called fight and in really looking forward to starting it because it think it will be really good! Go check it out on my profile!!
Sorry for the weird spacing. Idk what's up with that!
QOTD: You guys watching the LIVESTREAM today?
Um hell yeah!
Did you guys listen to the album? I felt bad for listening to one song. But that's all I listened to! I only listened to Night changes and it's so fucking perfect!
Idk when the next update is. I have finals in 2 weeks and I will probably update after that! Love you guys so much!

Thanks for reading!


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