Flying a Car to a Feast

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Though Harry and Ron never joined, Hermione had and we were having a wonderful talking and laughing and catching up until Ginny started telling her about my transforming into a kitten and jumped into Fred’s arms. “It was amazing! And cute, Fred wouldn’t put her down for almost fifteen minutes, and then they held hands while walking back to the house.”

                I through some Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans at her to try and get her to shut up. That only made her laugh more. Then Hermione chimed in, “How sweet, Fred is a great guy for you. He can be a little rowdy at times, but I’m sure you can straighten him out in a few…years.” We all started laughing and I looked out the window trying to recover from my blush.

                I looked out at the passing landscape, and saw what looked like a blue flying car; eerily similar to the one we rode in on the way to the station. I blinked to make sure I had seen correctly, but when I opened my eyes it was gone. Thinking that I was just over excited for a new year at Hogwarts I pushed it out of my mind and rejoined the conversation with Hermione and Ginny.

                We had just started discussing where we thought the boys could be and that they should of joined us by now, when the whistle blew giving us a ten minute warning before we arrived at the school. The three of us quickly changed into our robes and threw away our candy trash.

                As we arrived and exited the train, we said goodbye to Ginny and jumped into a carriage magically being pulled by nothing. Hermione and I awkwardly shared a carriage with Fred, George, and our friend Neville.  Hermione would not stop ribbing me with her elbow and smirking at me and Fred. I would glare at her and then look meekly glance at Fred who was doing the same thing. We would lock eyes for a few seconds and then look away.

                Once we arrived to the school I was the first one to jump out and run into the castle. Hermione came and joined me in the Great Hall as I was sitting down at the Gryffindor table. “Glad you could join me.”

                “Why were you so quiet during the carriage ride? You should have used that time to talk, get to know him, find out if you have anything in common! I swear you wasted your time ogling him.” She said as she sat down.

                “I didn’t know what to say, besides we don’t know if he actually likes me or not. That is something I would like to have proven before I do something foolish.” I said as I looked around, “Harry and Ron are still missing, they didn’t show on the train, they didn’t join us in the carriage and now they are not in here. Do you think that they are already in trouble?”

                Hermione turned and watched the rest of the students file in and neither boy was amongst them. “I don’t know, that would be a new record even for them. I wonder what happened, they were at the train station right?”

                “Yeah, I think they were the last ones to pass through the barrier. I haven’t seen them since then.”

                “They wouldn’t do anything stupid would they? Like if they couldn’t pass through they barrier or something?” Hermione asked.

                “Harry wouldn’t do anything with magic, because getting kicked out of school is the last thing he would want. Why wouldn’t they be able to pass through the barrier? That is the only thing that seems to make sense though, otherwise they would have been on the train.”

                “Since the train always leaves at a set time, and to avoid Muggles from bumping into the entrance it probably seals itself at a certain time.”

                Realization dawned on me, “We were running late, it is possible that they didn’t pass through in time. I never thought about that, hopefully they wouldn’t have panicked and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are working on a way to get them here soon.”

                The sorting had begun and we were steadily working our way through the G’s when we heard a big crash from outside. We saw Professor Snape excuse himself from the table as Dumbledore motioned for Professor McGonagall to continue on with the sorting. After another fifteen minutes Snape had not returned and McGonagall had finished the sorting with Ginny coming into Gryffindor.

                Once Ginny joined our table and the feast began, we watched as Dumbledore and McGonagall left the table, “I wonder what happened, it doesn’t seem normal for them to leave during a feast like that.” I said reaching for some more liver and onions.

                Ginny, who had sat across from us, said “I bet it had something to do with that noise we heard during the sorting. I hope everything is ok.”

                Hermione reassured her, “Everything is going to be good, they will take care of it and we will know what happened by tomorrow morning, if not tonight.” We laughed at how quickly word can spread here, and then continued eating. Halfway through dessert, Dumbledore and McGonagall had returned just as Professor Sprout was rushing off to do something. “My, the teachers certainly are busy tonight.”

                We finished our meal, Professor Dumbledore gave us a short speech about a few rules and reminders, and then we headed off to bed.

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