Kidnapped and Petrified

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Something sparked in Hermione, and she ran off to check the library. That was around lunch, it is now dinner and she isn’t back yet. The boys went to the common room to get ready for our trip to Hagrid’s tonight, while I went to check on Hermione. I had made it one corner from the library, when I found her. She and a Hufflepuff student were lying petrified on the floor. Not sure what to do I quickly wrote a note to Professor Dumbledore, folded it into a paper crane then placed a spell on it to fly to him.

I waited several minutes guarding their bodies until he arrived. “Miss Saint, thank you for sending your message. Help me get them to the infirmary and then you need to go tell Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley.” Using a hover charm, Dumbledore and I floated the two up to the hospital wing.

As I laid Hermione into a bed I saw Professors McGonagall and Snape, fussing over something small he was carrying. I quietly got closer to have a look. “Why would she have been petrified? Up until now whoever is doing this has only gone after Muggleborns. Of course I am not saying that is right, but it deviates from its motive of operation.”

“I don’t know, I just found Miss Saint in the hallway and brought her here. She will be ok won’t she?”

“Yes she will, Madame Sprout is just about done with the mandrake potion and we will be able to wake her up soon.”

“Professors, I am really touched that you care so much about us students, but if you will look around the neck, there is a mark missing proving that it is not me.” I said from behind them.

When I said me they turned around and stared at me in shock and relief. “If it is not you then who is it?” Professor Snape asked as McGonagall grabbed me in a tight hug.

As she released me I caught a glimpse of Snape and he seemed to be resisting the same urge to do so himself, “I believe it is just a regular kitten. A Ravenclaw received her as a birthday present a week ago.” I said as I kept glancing at Snape.

Satisfied with my explanation, he handed over the kitten and left after he regained his composure. “If you are alright, why are you here Miss Saint?”

“I’m sorry professor, but a few minutes ago I found two more students petrified. Professor Dumbledore and I just brought them up here. One was a Hufflepuff and the other…was Hermione Granger.”

“No, do the boys know yet? I am so sorry.” She said as she gave me another hug.

“No, I am supposed to go tell them right now, but I heard you speaking with Snape and decided to wait a few minutes.”

“Thank you, run along and inform the boys.”

I ran the common room and relied the information to Harry and Ron. We were even more determined to see Hagrid now that a close friend was lying in a hospital bed. Once everyone was in bed the three of us headed out underneath the cloak.

When we knocked on Hagrid’s door and removed the cloak, he answered it with a cross bow pointed at our heads. “What is that for Hagrid?” Harry asked a little worried.

“Oh it’s you three. I- I was expecting someone else. Git in ‘ere afor yer caught.” He said lowering the crossbow and shooing us inside.

“Who were you expecting if you need a crossbow?” I asked taking a seat by the fire and petting Fang.

“Ne’er mind that, what are you three doing down ‘ere? Wit’ ev’ything goin’ on you shouldn’t be outside of the castle at night.” He scolded as he started making tea and setting out cups.

“We came to ask you something, about the Chamber of Secrets. You were here the last time it was opened weren’t you?” Harry asked gently not wanting to upset him any more then he already seemed to be.

Star-Crossed Witch: Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora