Chapter 1 - How It All Began

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Darkness. I was surrounded by darkness. I couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't think. I could only wait. Wait for the light to appear.
It was a long wait.
But what I first saw was even worse than the darkness.
That moment I wished I was blind. I wished... for the darkness to come back.
It didn't.


I laid flat on my back and stared at the grey ceiling. Everything was that color here. The ceiling, the walls, the bars. The men that tossed me here were dressed the same color as well. They came here occasionally. They spared me, even though they murdered my parents in cold blood. At first I wondered why. But later they told me they were going to sell me. Yeah, just like that. I didn't know when or where or to whom. I may be even sold by pieces for all I know.

Well, I was what they call 'beautiful'. Long, silky, raven black hair that framed my pale face. My eyes were deep brown, covered in naturally black and large eyelashes, and I had baby pink full lips. I had, from what I've heard, beautiful curves. But I paid no attention to my beauty. It served me no cause. In only got me in trouble some times.

Yes, I have knowledge of why my parents met their cruel fate. My father had enemies. Many enemies. Many Japanese, Area 11's haters. And my father married an eleven. My parent's were rich though. That might have been also one of the reasons why. Anyway, I don't think about it anymore. I only think on how I will get my revenge when I get out. And day by day, the hatred I feel for them grew into hatred for the whole Britannia. If I ever get out, I swear, I'll do everything I can to bring it down.

Then one day, something changed.

Two of the men came into my cellar. The room was rather small, and about in the middle of it it was separated by a wall of bars. I was the one behind them.

But they weren't alone. They were dragging someone. When they came closer I saw it was a girl, maybe older than me, with extremely long light purple hair. She was wearing what looked like a uniform from an asylum. She was unconscious and bonded up. Her mouth was covered too.

They opened the door made of bars to my dirty cell. I was curled up in a ball in my usual place, the corner. The men just threw the girl in and closed it.

"You sure it's her? We'd be in a lot of trouble if not." The first one grunted as he eyed the unconscious girl.

"I'm telling you, I got the information that the military is looking for her, and with it came a description. There's no doubt." He said firmly. "I'm sure she's worth a lot."

"Yeah." The first one agreed and they made their way out of here.

I waited for about a minute to make sure they were gone. Then I slowly began rising from my position. I was wearing the same outfit from the day they took me. A loose, once white dress. Now it was the same color as those dull walls. It's been months after all.

I carefully made my way to the bonded up girl. I made the assumption that she's considered as pretty. You see, I have problems with living and communicating with other people like everyone else. I guess you could call me 'cold-hearted'. That's what I am.

I stared at the new-come for good five minutes and examined her. Then I decided to loosen up her binds. I highly doubt that I will get in trouble for that. She's not going anywhere and there's nothing worse they can do to me. No, actually they could, but I didn't care anymore. So I carefully sat on the floor and began working on the zips. Her legs were zipped together and her arms wrapped around her chest with black straps. I finished by loosing them and now the girl laid on her back freely.

When I was beginning to uncover her mouth, the men came back. I didn't move an inch from the girl, just turned my indifferent gaze to them.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" One yelled to me.

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