Chapter 3 - A New Start

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A few years have passed since I gained my Geass. K2 stayed all that time at my place. My brother tried to get her out many times, but every time he met my icy gaze. When I came here he told me that from now on I'll have all the rights to this house as well as he does. That means I'm the second master to this manor. So technically if he can bring anyone he wants, so can I. Even he knows and has to agree to that.

And it's as K2 predicted. My powers did grow stronger as the years passed. Now I don't have to limit myself to only my victim's memories. Now I can manipulate his vision so that he would see my memories, and he would accept it as reality. And just recently I began to have even more control over the visions. Little by little, I'm beginning to be able to change the details of the memories. For example, if the memory is playing outside, I can make it so it would be inside. If what I'm thinking is correct, if this goes on, I will be able to change the visions completely to my liking. And the longest duration was also more than before.

I also joined the Japanese terrorists when I was sixteen. I had to start somewhere, right? And almost immediately I was signed to the group that eliminated, let's say, guards. That I could do. If they didn't wore helmets, I either killed them, or kept them occupied, both using my Geass. If they wore protection, well... We took them out anyway. Of course, no one knew about my Geass. Not wanting to only rely on my power, I learned how to pilot a Knightmare. And I was pretty good at it. The one person that excelled at that and the only one who was better than me was a girl named Kallen. Funny enough, she went to the same school I did. Ashford Academy.

''Miss Monica, it's time for you to get up.'' Linda called, standing near my bed. I wasn't sleeping. I was actually in insomniac, which meant I only slept from three to four hours a night. K2 was sleeping in the same bed, but I didn't mind.

I didn't say anything, just stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Usually I get ready in about ten minutes. When I'm finished in the bathroom, I dress in my school's uniform and comb my hair. Then I make it in a low loose bun. That's my main hairstyle.

The trip to my school is a short one. By feet I go about fifteen minutes. I always try to arrive right on the dot when the bell rings. That is, when I go to school. Because of my terrorist activity, I don't show up there that much.

''Hey Mon! Long time no see!'' I was greeted by one of the student council members, Shirley, when I walked into class. She and the other members were the only people that I had what you could call a 'relationship'. Other students just think I'm weird and creepy because of my personality. I don't talk to them, but I'm not shy. When they hear me speak, my tone is either indifferent, bored or cold. If they catch my gaze, shivers go up their spine. I rarely come to school, but I'm one of the highest students there. I've never once here smiled genuinely, only smirked. Yes, I was indeed a strange person.

''It has only been a week.'' I stated as I found my seat.

''Well yeah, but you come here so rarely. You know we all miss you.'' The girl chirped.

''No you don't.''

''Oh c'mon, don't be so dark. Of course we do.'' Shirley said cheerfully just as the bell rang.

Everyone thinks the reason why I rarely come to school is that I receive teachings at home because of my 'incapability' to properly communicate with other people and because I have some 'health problems'. That should be enough to satisfy anyone. My brother knows what I'm actually doing though. He's also against Britannia, and even though he thinks it's too dangerous for me to be a terrorist, he still covers up for me.

Kallen's excuse is health problems as well. But she, unlike me, gets along with people well and has many acquaintances, or should I call them 'friends'. I guess you could say the council members are my friends also, but that's how it seems to them. In reality, it doesn't reach my heart.

Everlasting Flames ~Code Geass Fanfiction~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora