Chapter 2 - The Power Of Geass

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Only when I successfully made it out of their hideout, I began thinking what will I do next. I had no idea where I am. But the most reasonable solution for me is to find my thirty-year-old brother. He was living on his own alone for the past ten years. Sure, I haven't seen him in a while, but he's my only hope now. I had no wish on going to a Foster's home. Besides, I was fifteen, and I don't know how many people would want me as their foster child.

So I found the nearest police station and reported everything that happened. Well, except the part where I technically killed every man there. I just said they drank something or had an argument and went on a killing rampage. They believed me. I actually had a file, that stated I was a missing child. So it didn't take them long to go to the place and investigate, while calling my only remaining relative, my brother. He came. He came and he took me away to his place. He lived in Area 11.

My brother, Riley, was also rich. Well, that was to be expected. When you looked at us two, you could see some similarities. We both had that raven colored hair, his being a bit longer than usual for a man, and we both had those deep brown eyes. The differences were mainly our skin. His, unlike mine, was darker and not so soft. Sure, some details were also different, but you could tell we're relatives by looking at us. But he changed his surname for some reason when he moved out, so now he was Riley Mandrake. And from now on I will be called Monica Mandrake.

The car drive was slow. Well, technically it wasn't, but it felt like it. Riley tried to make a conversation, but every time he asked me something, I remained silent. I wasn't the 'talkative' one if you can say that. The only words I said to him were my new name. After about half an hour he gave up. He already knew what kind of person I was, he was just making sure I remained the same.

Finally his car drove into the yard in front of the big Riley's manor. He even had his own maid, that was saying something. The building itself was white with yellow ornaments here and there. The windows were huge and crystal clear from where I could see. The garden was well kept also.

''Alright Monica, we're here.'' Riley announced as he stopped the car and got out of it. I slowly followed him.

He walked to the door, and it was opened by a young and probably considered rather pretty woman. It's his maid.

''Good evening sir.'' She bowed respectfully and moved from the entrance.

''Hello Linda, this is my sister Monica.'' Riley introduced me. ''She will be staying with us from now on.

''It's a pleasure to meet you miss.'' The maid bowed again. I remained silent, just examined her. She had long blond hair that was braided in one braid and it laid on her back. She was wearing the usual maid's uniform. From the several stains on the front and the whiteness of the cloth, I figured that she's an amateur and even managed to spill this morning's tea.

''Don't mind her Linda.'' Riley quickly said, seeing that the maid was getting confused of my silence and gaze. ''She only communicates when she feels it's needed. That is rarely.'' He chuckled. ''Why don't you show her her room, and I'll go work on the papers. There's a lot to do...'' He muttered to himself as he walked away to what I assumed was his study.

The manor wasn't so luxurious as you would think. It wasn't even that big. There were heavily polished wooden stairs in the first room leading up to the second floor. That's where the maid, Linda, led me. I followed her silently until we reached the second floor. There were one corridor on the left, and one on the right. We went into the left one.

My room was even bigger than the one I had when I lived with my parents. It had a king sized bed and a giant window on the right of it. It also had a closet, which was at this time empty, and a bathroom.

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