Chapter 4 - Allies

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A/N: I really liked writing this chapter, so I hope you will enjoy it as well ^_^

''Of course.'' Kallen said immediately.

Lelouch asked different questions and I concluded that he really did see her. And now I know what his Geass is. He can make anyone do anything if what I'm thinking is correct. That's really helpful. The problem with my power is I don't know how will a person react and what he will do. You see, if I replay a memory to a thirty-year-old when he was ten, he will act differently than in the memory.

After the final question Kallen snapped back. Her gaze was unfazed for a moment, then she repeated her question. So, I guess his Geass works similar to mine. It leaves no memory of what happened.

''I already got what I wanted.'' He said coldly and was beginning to leave. But he turned around. ''Oh wait, just to be sure,''I saw his Geass activate again and he said ''Don't tell anyone about Shinjuku.''

''What do you mean about Shinjuku?'' Kallen asked suspiciously. Oh, so his Geass can only work once per person. I guess that makes sense. It's a powerful Geass after all. ''Why would you say that?''

I saw that this surprised Lelouch deeply. He was in shock for a moment then went back to his serious and now firm expression. ''Go back to class.'' He ordered.

''As soon as I get an answer I will.'' Kallen countered rising her voice.

Lelouch began to back away, when Shirley called from the window. ''Hey Lulu! Kallen! You know it's time to head to the cam lab, you better get a move on!''

''Ah crap, it's my turn to set up for class!'' Lelouch exclaimed and ran off. Nice save.

Kallen eyed him for a moment and began heading in my direction. I lowered my book. If she asks, I'm not going to pretend. She was walking past me, but she slowed her pace when and murmured ''He may know something.''

''So I've heard.'' I responded. Thinking that it would be best if no one else knew that Lelouch is that voice I added ''But don't be quick to jump to conclusions. He may have meant something different.''

She nodded as she walked away. I sighed and began heading to class as well.

I decided to wait for the next day and think what I should do.


The last bell rang and everyone was getting ready to head home or wherever they needed. Lelouch was one of them. I packed my bag and walked over to him. I decided to confront him directly.

''Lelouch.'' I announced my presence to him. He was with Rivalz, and they were now heading out of the classroom.

''Yes Monica?'' He asked surprised. I rarely talked to him, so no wonder.

''I would require a minute with you alone.'' I stated in my indifferent tone. No, I wasn't asking. I was saying a fact. I noticed how the others began looking at us. It was an interesting event indeed.

''Can it wait for tomorrow? I'm kinda in a hurry.'' He said and was beginning to go out.

I narrowed my eyes a bit and grabbed his arm. He did not expect that. ''No, it cannot.'' I said and began practically dragging the shocked Lelouch where I wanted to.

''Where exactly are we going?'' He asked about a minute later.

''The library.'' I answered. I figured that at this time there shouldn't be anyone else there.


''So we would not be interrupted.''

I could tell that raised his suspicion. His Geass probably worked like mine and he needed direct eye-contact. So all I would need to do is not look into his eyes. But I actually had a plan in mind that required eye-contact.

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