Chapter 7 - Confusing To No End

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Everything went perfectly just as Zero predicted it would. Even though I am not a fan of flying around, can't say I would have done a better job. All of us now were driving to some sort of hideout and I actually had a pretty good idea on what Zero was planning to do. Ohgi along with Kallen were relieved to no end that the plan worked and they didn't, well, die. The man we rescued, Suzaku Kururugi, was, to the least, feeling rather awkward and uncomfortable in the presence of us, especially Zero, who kept his composed self and stayed silent for the time being. As for me, the curiosity to know from where I've seen this man, Kururugi, was eating me from inside. Thinking that not only would I satisfy that need for answers, but most likely I would find some interesting and maybe important information, I decided to look into Suzaku's memory. Sure, it isn't a good thing to do, it was actually awful, since I literally invade the person's personal space, but I wasn't that kind of human that would limit myself to such things. I already lost the count on how many victims I had, so it was no big deal for me. If I have the power, I might as well use it.

With that thought in mind, I directed my gaze directly into Suzaku's eyes, and the moment he also for a second shifted his into mine, I immediately took control over his memories. They all flooded into me at once, like I was seeing hundreds of films at the same time. And they weren't the same quality. How one's memory vibrant is depends on itself. If it happened a long time ago, it may have lost it's colors, and if the picture was deeply important to the person, I would see it as clearly as my own. That's why after such a long time I began to mix my memories with my victims'. And that's why I began keeping a diary of some sorts, just so I could once in a while remind myself of who I am.

After the memories of Suzaku flooded into my mind, I was, simply put, intrigued by the man. Not only did I learn from where I've seen him - turns out he was a dear friend to Lelouch, maybe still is - but I also found out some very interesting details. If I hadn't seen the new-found prince's past, Suzaku's would have been at the top. But what caught my attention the most were actually quite recent events. I suppose I should report all this to Zero, seeing as how we're no allies and he is the one in command after all.

Not long after that we finally arrived at the desired place, – which was some old destroyed building, probably a school - where the rest of our little group awaited. It was obvious Zero wanted to speak to Suzaku in private, so he send me along with Ohgi and Kallen over to them, but before the leader walked away, I quickly shifted myself so that I was just behind him and grabbed a tiny peace of his cloak, signaling that he should hear me out. Making sure no one was really that close to us, I promptly whispered just loud enough for him to hear my information.

''I believe I have a rather good idea on what you wish to discuss with Kururugi, but before that hear my warning. If you believe you will be able to pursue Kururugi to join you, you are mistaken. His ideals and morals differ from yours, so it is impossible for him to agree with your methods. He believes Britannia can be changed from within.'' At this the man stiffened, though he chose not to show it. Obviously he really did think he could get Suzaku on his side. ''But of course, you should be aware of that.''

With that I let go of my grip, but before I walked away, I added:

''Chose your words accordingly. It is also very possible after this Kururugi will return to the court-marshal.''

After that I paced over to the other, where they were all discussing about Zero. Even though I found no interest in it, I still couldn't help but catch a few phrases. Still, my gaze was always directed to the fallen-apart auditorium of some sort, where our dear leader took Suzaku to to have their little chat. I wonder, did my warning did anything to affect it? Maybe it did, maybe it didn't, I might never know, but I was secretly glad when after a few minutes of talking the two men shook hands. It seems Lelouch did a good job at those words I mentioned. It's always better to be in good graces with such people as Suzaku. I guess I should also mention that little detail to our new leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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