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Gianna's P.O.V

It was now lunch time and everyone was crowded trying to get the school café to be the first ones in line. I waited patiently in the line, holding a conversation with Tara while other laughter and chatter carried on throughout the cafeteria.

"So, you wanna go to the mall after school", Tara smiled. "Yea, sure. I really need to find another pair of heels." "Speaking of heels, will you be wearing those to the party?" "What party", I scrunched my nose. "What do you mean 'what party'?" She bopped her head up signaling me to move up in the line. I turned back around to her with a questioning face.

"I thought I told you, the party at Devin's house..". "Oh, I don't know about that", I put my head down. "Oh come on Gia, please", she poked her lip out and gave me puppy dog eyes. I tried not to give in, but what do I've got to lose. "Ughh! Fine", I grunted. "Yay", she cheered returning back to her normal face.

I was a bit shocked that Devin's parents even let him throw a party, but knowing him, he probably won't have it at his own house. I was brought out of my thoughts by a large group of football and basketball jocks swarming into the café, hitting on random girls and teasing the nerds of the school.

As I moved up in the line, my eyes shift to my left and I see Amy hugged against a wall, smiling her ass off and giggling like there was no one else around. Larry was towering over her and was giving the same smile she gave him. She cupped his face and puckered her lips but he instantly moved out of her reach, blocking the kiss.

He let go of her and turned around to make his way back into line, I guess. I was brought out of my gaze when the cafeteria lady practically screamed in my ear. "Oh, sorry", I awkwardly smiled. I moved throughout the line with Tara getting our food and drinks. We reached the end and grabbed ourselves a fork, spoon, and knife before heading down to our usual table.

Once we got situated at the table, we began to eat. Only to be interrupted by Larry, Laurent, and their 'posy' of boys. Do they always have to ruin my lunch? Larry sat next to me, Devin sat next to him, Kayden sat along the side of Tara, Roy next to Kayden, and Laurent next to Devin.

"What do want now Larry", I groaned in irritation. "I can't sit next to my sister?" "I'm not your sister..". I took a bite out of my sandwich. "Not yet you not", Laurent grinned. "Why do you always like to mess with me?" I could see Tara smiling as she held a conversation with Kayden. "What other fun do I get to have if I don't?" I grinned at what was about to come out of my mouth "How about banging Amy Rivera?" Everyone at the table busted out into laughing, some chocked on their food.

"Oh it's like dat", Larry joked. "Yep", I sneered back. I then took a sip of my juice.. Larry leaned into my ear to whisper something. "I would much rather do that to someone else, someone that's sitting very close to me", Larry whispered in a growling tone. I quickly spit out my juice and chocked on what was left in my throat.

"Girl you ok", Tara's eyes poked out in worry. All I could do was cough and shake my head, while Larry just acted innocent and patted my back. I pounded my chest my the palm of my hand to get out the rest of my cough. "What you chocking on Gia", Kayden snickered. I just gave him a death glare.

"I'm ok", I finally said after minutes of coughing. Everyone nodded and went back to their conversations. I looked to my side to see Larry biting his lip and staring deep into my neck. "What is wrong with you", I mouthed. All he did was flash that famous smile of his before he spoke. "Are you going to Devin's party?" I looked at him and scrunched my face.. how did her go from whispering the most sexual thing into my ear to asking me about a damn party?

But.. and I know it's wrong.. and I shouldn't even be saying this but, that kind-of brought chills to my arms and legs. I get that he's gonna be my stepbrother and all, but I couldn't help but feel some type of way about what he said.

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