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Luke's Pov

I let out a deep sigh and stared aimlessly at the white flakes of paint peeling off the wall.

Why me? What did I do to deserve this life? I've only ever had one wish: to be a normal teenager.

I wanted to attend school, make friends, hang out at the park, sneak out to parties, fall in love, cause mischief. Everything an average teenager took for granted, but instead I was stuck in this hell hole with an evil monster.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my father bellow my name through the house.

"Coming!"I quickly replied, not wanting to anger him.

I scrambled to my feet, but collapsed back down onto my bed feeling a sharp pain shooting through the left side of my body.

I let out a yelp, before once again trying to lift my weak body up. I took my time , constantly keeping a firm hold on the rusty bed frame. It didn't really help balance me, as it was about to collapse itself.

With five painful, unsteady steps I was at the bottom of the stairs. This would be the hardest part, trying to clime all 12 steps without falling back down.

I placed my right foot first and used all of my strength to pull the other side of my body onto the first step.

I kept repeating this process and after about 5 minutes of struggling I finally made it to the kitchen.

If your wondering, yes, I have to sleep in the basement and yes, I hate it. Down there it's so dark and creepy, almost every night I wake up due to horrific nightmares. They leave me sweating like crazy and I'm always gasping for air. The weirdest part is they are always the same. Every nightmare I have, consists of me running through a pitch Black Forest and hearing the distressed cry of a boy, screaming for someone's help.

The voice sounds awfully familiar, but I always wonder why,  because I've only ever heard three voices. My father's, Lisa's (my fathers girlfriend) and Amanda's. She's my fathers other daughter, the one he wanted, unlike me.

Every time, I feel the urge to help him, yet I can never find him. Luckily I always wake up before who ever he is being chased by catches him, but sometimes I worry that one day I won't. That I will be forced to hear the desperate cries for help, coming from an innocent boy who I feel like I have a connection with.

Anyway, it's not like they mean anything.

I was waiting at the top of the stairs playing with my fingers. My body was leaning up against the wall as I didn't have enough strength to hold myself up and I most definitely couldn't show my father I was in pain, otherwise he would just laugh at me and give me another beating.

My heart began to race as I heard the deadly click of my fathers shoes echoing through the hallway.

Though I felt relieved again when I heard the slightly quieter click of Lisa's high heels. This meant they were going out.

I let out a big breath, that I didn't even realise I was holding, as my heart rate began to return to its normal pace.

My father rarely beats me if he's going somewhere fancy, as he likes to stay calm and beatings always get him worked up.

He likes to seem "normal" in front of his friends. Well, as normal as an evil psychopath who beats his own flesh and blood can get.

His tall figure appeared in the doorway. My hands started to sweat, even though I knew he probably wouldn't hurt me I still feel nervous and uneasy in his presence.

"Hey Lukey" his twisted voice filled the air.

I continued to look down at my hands avoiding eye contact, until I felt his huge hands grip my cheeks and pull my head upwards so I was looking him dead in the eye.

Switch ~ jake brooksWhere stories live. Discover now