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Beau's Pov

I carefully pushed the large silver wheelchair through the hospital's main entrance, the chilly air instantly hitting my face. Before I descended the ramp, I glanced back at mum. I wanted to know what she was doing and who that strange women was, but I couldn't leave Jai on his own.

I let out a small, frustrated sigh, as I made my way towards mums car.

Jai's body was leaning uncomfortably on the left side of the chair and his eyes remained closed. His messy brown hair was swept to one side, as the wind blew against his sweaty face.

I smiled sympathetically at him even though he couldn't see me. Jai had never had many friends and I knew he had been picked on a few times, but I never thought it was severe enough to cause harm to him.

Though I shook all thoughts to the back of my head. I didn't even know how Jai hurt his leg, I was probably just jumping to conclusions.

Just as we reached mums car I heard a soft whimper. I quickly stopped the wheelchair and knelt down in front of Jai.

He began mumbling word I couldn't understand, as his eyes flickered open and then closed again. His head rocked back and forth, as if he didn't have enough strength to maintain his upright position. I knew he wasn't aware of what he was saying or doing, so I decided to ignore him and just focus on the most painless way I could get him into mum's car.

Luckily, he wasn't heavy at all, so I managed to easily place him across the back seats without hurting his leg. I then pulled off my black jumper and placed it underneath his head in an attempt to make him more comfortable.

I huffed before quietly closing the door and wiping the slight layer of sweat that had appeared, off of my forehead.

I smiled at my success, but my look of achievement suddenly turned to one of worry. I realised I hadn't put the breaks on Jai's wheelchair.

"Shit!" I exclaimed and ran around to the opposite side of the car.

To my luck it had only rolled a few meters backwards and hadn't hit anything valuable. I let out a sigh of relief, before grabbing it and placing it in the boot of mum's car.

Speaking of mum, where was she?

Gina's Pov

My entire body froze. I couldn't find enough to strength to move, so I just stood there looking at my poor baby boy. I felt like this was all a dream, like I was going to wake up any minute now and just resume my everyday life. But I I didn't.

I felt as though I had been standing still for hours, until I was pulled back to reality by Lisa clearing her throat. I quickly spun around in my heals to see her staring at me, waiting for me to do something. She gestured her hand towards Luke to encourage me to move and I took a deep breathe, it was now or never.

I gave Lisa a small smile and she exited the room, respecting that I wanted to be alone.

I began to take small steps towards Luke's bed. Each time I put my foot down it became harder to lift it up again. My whole body was trembling; with fear, anxiety, guilt and regret, but I knew I had to fight through this because through all of those negative emotions, the one emotion that was strongest was hope.

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