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Luke's Pov

My mother? This lady can't actually be my mother....can she? I sat there deep in thought. The whole world seemed to stand still around me, as I analysed the figure in front of me.

She had mid-length dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, just like mine. Her smooth skin was tanned, just as I would imagine mine to be, if I was allowed out of the house. Her round face held a small, genuine smile and her eyes were full of hope and love.

"Y-you can't be" I stuttered, she couldn't be my mother. MY mother had left me with my poor excuse of a father years ago. I hadn't seen her since. She never bothered to call me or even just send me a birthday card. She just left me.

"Ohh sweetie" she cooed, edging closer to me. I could now clearly see the glistening tears running down her face. I looked into her deep brown eyes and I couldn't deny I felt a strange connection with this woman.

Her presence was calming and even though I was overwhelmed and confused by this whole situation, looking into her eyes instantly made me feel better, as if I had nothing to worry about. Not a care in the world.

"Luke honey" she sighed, but continued,
"I'm your mum", she repeated her previous words.

I began to shake my head, breaking eye contact with her. I couldn't handle this information, my breathing increased and my whole body began to quiver. Tears began making tracks down my boney cheeks and thought after thought whizzed through my head.

Then slowly, with a shaky hand, she reached out and gripped my sweaty Palm, locking our hands together.

At this moment everything changed. I knew it was her, I felt as though I was complete. Dad had beat me, starved me, mistreated me and almost killed me, but none of that mattered now. The one woman I had longed to meet my whole life was now sat I front of me. I couldn't be happier.

Gina's Pov

My hand was still firmly grasped around Luke's, as I stroked it reassuringly.

I couldn't even begin to imagine how hard life had been for Luke. My poor baby was broken and hurt, by a man who he was forced to call his father. But, I knew I could fix that, as long as Luke let me.

I never went a day without thinking of him. I always dreamt of Jai, Beau and Luke finally meeting and creating a brotherly bond that would never be broken, though I never thought this dream would become a reality. Until today.

Tears were streaming down Luke's face and in that moment I think he finally realised I was telling the truth.

He launched himself into my lap and clung onto me, as if I was about to disappear at any moment. I wrapped my arms around his frail body, as he let out loud sobs into my neck. His salty tears soaked my shirt, but that didn't matter at all. All that mattered right now was my little boy.

We remained in this position, Luke's loud sobs had switched to small whimpers and his breathing pattern returned to normal. Time just seemed to stop. I didn't ever want to let go and neither did he. I softly cradled him back and forth, softly whispering in his ear.

"Don't worry baby, everything's going to be ok now. I promise" I repeated, in an attempt to reassure him.

I still held him tightly; something I had longed to do my whole life. In this moment I knew everything was going to be ok. All of my fear, pain, hurt and anxiety were replaced by something much much stronger. Something that was able to get me through the worst situations. Hope.

I completely forgot Lisa was in the room, until I looked up slightly and saw her sat on the blue hospital bed.

A lone tear fell down her face. She looked touched by the scene unfolding in front of her. She seemed relieved, she finally knew that Luke would live the happy life that he deserved.

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