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Luke's Pov

I felt awake, yet I couldn't build up the power to open my eyes. My skinny body was aching from head to toe and my arms, that were placed softly next to my body, felt too heavy to move.

The sound of whispering entered my ears but I couldn't quite work out who the voices belonged to and what they were saying.

I lead still for what felt like hours until I managed to build up enough power to open my eyes. The light that filled the White room almost blinded me.

"Hey sweetie" I heard a soft angelic voice next to me. Lisa.

She lightly stroked my arm, whilst keeping a firm grasp on my hand in an attempt to comfort me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I-I'm ok" I replied, but the truthfully I wasn't. I wasn't ok at all. I wanted all of this to be over, all I wanted was a normal life without that monster. Without my father.

Lisa sighed and we continued to sit in silence, it was a nice silence and gave us both time to think.

Thousands of thoughts began to run through my head. I couldn't process them all because my full concentration was on one question, what is going to happen now?

I couldn't hold back any longer, so in a scared voice I managed to ask "what's going to happen now?"

Lisa remained quiet for a while probably thinking of a suitable reply to my question.

She sighed and  began to run her fingers through my soft hair.

"Luke sweetie, I honestly have no idea but I know one thing, from now on I'm not going to let that heartless man lay a finger on you. You don't deserve this and I'm going to try my best to get that monster that you call a father out of your life, he won't hurt you again, I promise"

Tears threatened to spill as I cracked a weak smile, finally I felt loved and protected. Using all my power I elevated myself from my hospital bed and sat up, I leaned over and gave Lisa a hug. Even though I was doubting her promise I was eternally grateful for everything she was trying to do for a broken boy like me.

We both pulled away from the hug and Lisa carefully laid me back down in the bed.

Suddenly a question popped into my head.

"Lisa what about maddie, where is she?" I asked frantically, She wouldn't have left her alone with my father would she?

"Don't worry as soon as Shaun left I rang my mother and she came to pick her up, she's safe"

I relaxed, knowing Maddie was in safe hands.

"As for your father, he went out drinking and I haven't seen I'm since, though I rang his friend mark and he said that Shaun will be staying there for a few nights"

This was music to my ears, I had a few days free from my father. I couldn't control my feelings as I smiled contently at Lisa's words.

Silence once again took over the room until Lisa began to speak,
"Luke honey, I have to go home to get some things and check up on Amanda are you going to be ok here for a while?" She asked.

I nodded, but what if my father came here? I wouldn't be able to put up a fight and he might even take me away!

Lisa saw the worry and fear in my eyes as she reassured me,
"Don't worry I'll tell the doctors not to let anyone other than me visit you, you'll be safe"

I thanked her as she stood up and leant over my fragile body to place a sweet kiss on my forehead. I watched as she made her way out of the room and explained my situation to the doctors. I couldn't hear what she said but as I watched through the window I saw the doctors both nod in agreement.

Lisa gave me a small wave before disappearing down the busy corridor.

I slowly moved myself into a much more comfortable position before closing my eyes in an attempt to get some rest.

Even though the bed sheets covering me were quite itchy against my bruised skin the mattress felt like heaven. Compared to my poor excuse for a bed at 'home' I currently felt like I was laying on a cloud.

My mind was still clouded with thoughts and unanswered questions, though despite this I still managed to fall into a soft peaceful sleep.

Gina's Pov

I was led awake for hours last night. I'm not sure exactly what it was but something didn't feel right

I pulled up outside my office in the dusty, grey car park. Not many spaces seemed to be occupied today, which seemed strange considering it was a Monday morning.

I grabbed my hot coffee from the cup holder beside me and carefully leant over to the passenger seat to retrieve my black handbag.

I pushed open the navy car door with my right foot, whilst trying to balance my coffee in my left hand. Once I had successfully exited the car without spilling my beverage I began to walk towards the gloomy building, though I was suddenly stopped by my phone ringing.

The irritating sound of the typical iPhone ringtone began to fill the car park and I huffed in annoyance.

Who could possibly be ringing me?

I quickly placed my coffee on a nearby stone wall and began to fumble with my bag attempting to reach my mobile.

I quickly saw the caller id and recognised it as Jai's school. My maternal instinct kicked in and I began to worry, was my baby hurt? Or was he in trouble?

I answered my phone and placed it to my ear,

" Hello" I answered

" Hello, this is C.M.Brown secretary at Penola High school, am I currently speaking to Gina, Mother of Jai Brooks? " The formal voice asked.

" Yes, that's me" I quickly answered.

" I am ringing to inform you that your son has had an accident, in which he has hurt his leg and suffered from mild concussion" the secretary sped up her pace, quickly informing me of my sons situation.

" Oh my gosh is he ok? " I frantically asked, rushing back to my car and starting the engine as soon as possible.

" I'm afraid your son has broken his leg and is currently on his way to hospital, don't worry he's accompanied by Mr..." Her gloomy voice continued but I cut her off.

"Thank you, goodbye" I didn't care about any of her irrelevant information, all I knew was Jai had been taken to hospital and I needed to see if my poor baby was badly hurt.

With that I put the phone down and quickly reversed out of the car park.

I drove like a maniac down the busy road, passing through at least 3 red lights and being constantly beeped by arrogant drivers on their way to work.

It didn't bother me though I had to get to hospital to see if my little boy was ok.

Hey guys! So sorry it took a while, but that was chapter 8:) I hope you enjoyed it and I want to thank you so so much for your lovely comments and votes, they honestly mean so much to me. Again, I want to that you for 1k reads!! I still can't believe so many people are reading this, so thank you!

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