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Luke's Pov

I felt overwhelmed for the second time today. The world was spinning and my breaths were uneven. Slowly, i shifted backwards, leaning my head on the heavenly pillows.

I closed my eyes and exhaled outwards, in an attempt to calm myself down.

The image of my long lost brother continuously circulated through my mind. His piercing green eyes, his fluffy brown hair, his soft tanned skin, his powerful Australian accent.

Though, the one thing that stood out the most was his facial expression. He was obviously oblivious to my existence until now, so naturally he was shocked, but he looked so angry.

I couldn't help but feel like he hated me already. I hadn't even had a conversation with him, but I could clearly tell, by the look in his eyes, that he despised me.

A lone tear made its way down my cheek, glistening in the process.

When I first saw my mother I was certain that she would be my escape, my one chance at a happy, carefree life. But, now I'm not too sure.

Beau's Pov

My chest was heaving and I felt as if my lungs were going to explode. I took steady, prolonged breaths in and back out again, attempting to return to my original breathing pattern.

I had been running for around 20 minutes, in hopes of finding somewhere peaceful, where I could gather my thoughts. I had absolutely no idea where I was.

Eventually, I managed to catch my breath and was able to look at my surroundings.

I appeared to be at the top of a vey steep hill. I looked out and could clearly see the silhouette of the busy city, in front of the crimson sun. It was beautiful.

For the time being, every single one of my negative thoughts and worries was washed away. I focused my full attention on the breathtaking view in front of me.

I found it strange, how a chaotic city, full of life could make me feel so calm. So relaxed.

I sat under a nearby oak tree and continued to stare out into the distance. Everything seemed ok, until one thought made its way back into my head and the rest followed. Hitting me like a tonne of bricks.

I felt anger and sadness, once again, take over my body.

Why hadn't mum told me about my younger brother? Why hadn't she told Jai about his TWIN? Why was he in hospital? Who was the strange woman, sat on the end of the bed? Had he known about me and Jai all along?

Question after question entered my head.

And although I attempted to dismiss these thoughts, I knew I had to face them. Whether I wanted to or not.

I sighed in defeat and lightly closed my eyes.

Deep down I knew there had to be a reason why mum didn't tell me and Jai about our brother, but due to the pure shock of the situation I instantly blamed her. This made me feel even worse, I knew I had to confront her about it soon.

After about 30 minutes of absentmindedly staring out, over the city I decided to check my phone.

The sun had set and the bright orange glow of the sky had been replaced with darkness. A few bright stars shone and glistened in the sky, accompanied by a pure white crescent moon. I loved night time, the stars fascinated me the most.

I wearily pulled the mobile device out of my pocket and turned it on, the bright screen instantly illuminating my face and blinding me.

Switch ~ jake brooksWhere stories live. Discover now